Mistakes to Avoid During Morning Stretches

Karla Tafra

Morning stretches are often touted as a great way to start your day and kick-start your metabolism. While that may be true, it’s important to remember that your body is at its stiffest and least flexible part of your day. Go overboard or stretch badly can increase the risk of injury or pain.

Stretching is great for improving blood circulation and nutrient absorption, helps improve flexibility and range of motion, and helps flush water and toxins out of your system. All of this keeps your body healthy and mobile, allowing you to fully participate in your daily activities.

People usually stretch after working out or as a means of winding down before bed, but some people really enjoy starting the day with some spinal joints and muscle stretching. Here’s how to do it right.

don’t go too fast

Karla Tafra

Early in the morning, your body is waking up and every muscle and joint is stiff, ready for movement. If you rush through your stretching exercises, there’s a good chance you’ll pinch a nerve, tear a muscle, or risk even more injury.

Take your time with each stretch and use your breath to deepen your movements. Let your inhalations and exhalations guide you and feel your body wake up and slowly become more flexible and mobile with each breath.

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do not do too much

Karla Tafra

Stick to simple movements that connect to each other instead of creating a sequence of 15 to 20 stretches all stacked on top of each other. Make your moves count and feel the flow as you transition from one to the next naturally.

The flow you create in your stretching routine sends energy through your body, opens your joints, improves your blood circulation, and lengthens your muscle fibers all at once. Doing too many movements that aren’t even connected will cause confusion in your body and your brain won’t be able to process which muscles you’re actually working and trying to stretch.

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Don’t let your hair get in the way of stretching or exercising.

Don’t compromise your shape

Karla Tafra

Even the most flexible people struggle with their range of motion in the morning. Just because you can touch your toes after a workout doesn’t mean you’ll be able to after waking up. This is not a sign of failure or lack of progress, it’s just that your body is taking its time to wake up.

The more you try to force it, the greater the risk of injury. Be patient with yourself and allow your body to naturally open up and stretch to your level. This will require longer holds and deeper breaths, so be gentle with your body and don’t push your limits.

Non-rebound stretch

Karla Tafra

Almost everyone has had a teacher show them the rebound stretch in PE class. Inflatable stretches are shown to be less effectiveme and can even cause injuries, sprains and strains. Instead, hold the pose for at least three long breath cycles (preferably longer), actively working to lengthen your spine and muscles with each inhalation and deepening the stretch with each exhalation.

Don’t stretch out in a cold room

Karla Tafra

If your goal is to do morning stretches in your apartment, be sure to warm up your space beforehand. This will ensure that your body does not resist stretching and allows external heat and warmth to help create internal heat. By keeping your environment warm, you will relax your muscles and joints and give them room to stretch, lengthen and become more mobile.

Also, if you can’t seem to warm up your space, you can try warming up your body with some active movements. Even if you don’t have time for a full workout, a series of jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and a few jump squats will get your blood pumping and your muscles ready to stretch.


Heat your space quickly and efficiently.

Don’t focus on one area

Karla Tafra

Stretching in the morning isn’t about recovering from exercise, it’s about kick-starting all your systems and getting you ready for the day, it’s about improving your blood circulation and stimulating your lymphatic system, and it’s about boosting your energy levels and set yourself up for a more focused and productive day ahead.

That’s why your morning stretching routine should include movements that address your body as a whole, from your head to your toes. Don’t just focus on leg stretches or backbends, create a sequence that equally stretches your neck, back, triceps, and hamstrings.

Don’t forget about consistency

Karla Tafra

If you’re someone who really walks the talk and wants to implement morning stretches to improve your day, you’ll need to be consistent to see some real results. Nothing can happen overnight, especially a jump in flexibility levels. Schedule morning stretches at least three to five times a week and watch how you improve and feel more comfortable after just a few weeks.

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Less is more and with morning stretches, this cannot be stressed enough. Take your time, be patient with yourself, prioritize technique, prepare the room, avoid sudden movements, and be consistent. And then end up with one of these amazing smoothies and you will have a great start to your day.

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