Mistakes You’re Making at the Gym That Can Shorten Your Life — Eat This Not That

If you’re ready to start a solid exercise routine to improve your health and quality of life, hitting the gym is the best place to do it. You can get an amazing workout using a variety of equipment, which can help you Burn calories, build muscle and reach your fitness goals. I recommend a fitness regimen of at least three times a week, focusing primarily on strength training workouts and incorporating cardio at the end. Although going to the gym is awesome and should be an integral part of your routine, there are some mistakes you may be doing that are counterproductive and can do more harm than good to your body.

These are the three gym mistakes you may be making that can shorten the quality of your life or decrease your overall performance. Read on to learn more about these gym mistakes you need to get rid of ASAP, and then be sure to read on. The 6 Best Exercises for Strong, Toned Arms in 2022, Says a Trainer.

Fit mature man doing dumbbells workout

While it’s important to challenge yourself and force your muscles to work harder, it’s not good to train heavy constantly or at max all the time. Heavy level means 5 repetitions or more. The reason? Constant training in that zone can be hard on your nervous system and joints—especially as you reach age 40 or older.

Joint health and injury-free status become more important as you get older, and you want to do everything you can to enable you to train consistently for the rest of your life. Instead of exercising at a heavy level on a regular basis, go through different phases (two to three months) of your training, alternating between heavy periods and moderate weight work/higher reps.

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man making protein powder shake in gymman making protein powder shake in gym

Many people who lead an active fitness lifestyle consume pre-workout supplements, such as powders or drinks, on a regular basis to encourage them to exercise. Although they can be effective, they are not something you should use on a constant basis.

Many pre-workout supplements are full of junk ingredients or high amounts of caffeine. It’s easy for trainees to rely on them and feel like they have to take them to have a great training session, especially if they’re tired or didn’t get enough sleep the night before. Unfortunately, this routine can lead to an overload of the nervous system, resulting in decreased sensitivity to stimulants. For overall health, I recommend minimizing your pre-workout supplement intake and switching to coffee.

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An important part of every workout that can sometimes be overlooked is the proper warm-up. A warm-up routine is essential as it helps improve your range of motion and flexibility, increases your core temperature, and prepares your nervous system for the exercises you’ll be doing.

If you don’t warm up properly, you can increase your chances of getting injured and experiencing a below-average workout. So take five to 10 minutes to perform a dynamic series of movements such as squats, lunges, shoulder circles and splits to prepare your body for the training session.

push-up plankpush-up plank

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Tim Liu, CSCS

Tim Liu, CSCS, is an online fitness and nutrition coach based in Los Angeles. read more

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