Hot Girl Run also aims to help us reevaluate our social relationship with running. “We have been conditioned to think that running is unpleasant, that it is something we do to punish ourselves,” says Mendoza. “But a Hot Girl Run is meant to be enjoyable, no matter the distance or time. Just run until you feel like stopping.” Unlike a Hot Girl Walk, which is meant to be four miles long—a sizable time commitment—the length, distance, and pace of your run don’t really matter. What matters is running for what feels like an accomplishment to you, whether it’s 10 minutes or 10 miles, indoors on a treadmill or outdoors on a trail. “Either way, you’ve still done such a good thing for your mental health, you’ve got some endorphins coursing through your body, and you feel like you’ve accomplished something, even if it’s small,” she adds.