Multivitamins: 5 Studies That Suggest They’re Not Improving Your Health

Multivitamins are a combination of many different vitamins that are normally found in food and other natural sources. These are used to provide vitamins that are not consumed enough in the diet. Multivitamins are also used to treat vitamin deficiencies caused by illness, pregnancy, poor nutrition, digestive disorders, and many other conditions.

For decades, doctors and health experts have suggested taking a daily multivitamin as a dietary supplement. However, in recent years, more research has questioned whether these supplements, which can be very expensive, are really necessary.

StudyFinds has published research on both sides of the debate. World-renowned doctors and mental health experts say that multivitamins can do our bodies a lot of good. But for those unsure about taking them, here’s a look at five published research that suggests just the opposite.

Multivitamins do not prevent heart attacks, strokes, or cardiovascular death

Research shows that multivitamin supplements have no effect on heart healthand it won’t reduce your chances of having a heart attack, stroke, or even death from a heart-related condition.

The study examined data from 18 different studies on multivitamin and mineral supplements. The results of more than 2 million people were recorded, with an average follow-up of about 12 years from the start of their respective study. The findings show no clinical benefit of using multivitamins and minerals to prevent heart attacks, cerebrovascular accidents or cardiovascular death. So it only adds to a growing body of evidence that multivitamins are more taboo than anything else.

While the study doesn’t show any health benefits, there also doesn’t seem to be any harm from taking vitamin supplements. Still, in light of this, the study does not recommend the use of multivitamin or mineral supplements to prevent cardiovascular disease. There is simply no substitute for a balanced, nutritious diet with more fruits and vegetables that limits excess calories, saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, sugar, and dietary cholesterol.

READ MORE: Research: Multivitamins Fail to Prevent Heart Attacks, Stroke, and Cardiovascular Death

It will not reduce the risk of dying from COVID-19

Taking a few extra vitamins while dealing with a case of COVID-19 certainly seems to make sense. However, a new study finds supplements that boost the immune system, such as vitamin Cvitamin D and zinc do virtually nothing to reduce a patient’s risk of dying from coronavirus.

The study reviewed a new set of COVID-19 hospitalization data to formulate this review, warning that there is no real evidence that supplements actually treat or reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. This is intended to correct the misconception that loading up with zinc, vitamin D, or vitamin C can help the clinical outcome of being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

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Specifically, the study looked at 26 global peer-reviewed studies encompassing 5,600 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 for this project. The results show no evidence of a drop in death rates among COVID-19 patients taking vitamin D, vitamin C, or zinc supplements compared to other patients. However, the data suggested that vitamin D supplementation in particular has a weak association with lower rates of intubation and shorter hospital stays.

In an ongoing survey of people who regularly took a vitamin D supplement before contracting COVID. Once again, the study found no significant change in the mortality rate among these individuals. The study wants to make it clear that their work is in no way claiming that vitamins are unhealthy or should be avoided. It only indicates that vitamins will not reduce the risk of death from COVID-19.

READ MORE: Taking vitamins will not help reduce the risk of dying from COVID-19

Multivitamins and other common supplements have no health benefits

According to one study, taking multivitamins or other commonly consumed vitamin and mineral supplements won’t provide you with any health benefits, but it won’t hurt either.

The study conducted a review of 179 studies on popular vitamin supplements published between January 2012 and October 2017. The studies covered a broad spectrum of supplements, including vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 (niacin), B6, B9 (folic acid), C, D, and E; and mineral supplements β-carotene; calcium; iron; zinc; magnesium; and selenium. Multivitamins containing a wide variety of vitamins and minerals were also reviewed.

The results of the study conclude that the most frequently consumed supplements — multivitamins, vitamin Dcalcium and vitamin C, had no effect on a person’s risk of heart attack, stroke, heart disease, or premature death. Furthermore, the findings show that taking a multivitamin, vitamin D, calcium, or vitamin C, does no harm, but there is no apparent benefit either.

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The only supplements that showed any benefit across studies were folic acid or B vitamins containing B6, B12, and folic acid, which may reduce the risk of heart disease and race. Therefore, these findings suggest that people should be aware of the supplements they are taking and make sure they are applicable to the specific vitamin or mineral deficiencies that have been recommended by their health care provider.

READ MORE: Study: Multivitamins and other common supplements have no health benefits

There is no reduction in the risk of heart disease, even in people who have poor diets.

Taking multivitamins will not help people improve their chances of developing heart disease, even in those who have a poor diet.

The study examined 13,316 participants who completed detailed food frequency questionnaires. He sought to determine whether those who exhibited less healthy dietary conditions would find more benefit from multivitamins than those who already enjoyed a nutritious diet.

The study results do not show an increased or reduced risk of the disease years after the study began, compared to those who took a placebo. In addition, the study also found that poor nutrition made no difference to the effect of daily multivitamin intake on cardiovascular disease risk or overall mortality.

Intuitively, many had thought that men with “poor” nutritional status at baseline might benefit more from long-term multivitamin use on heart-related outcomes. However, no evidence of this is seen in the recent analysis. Therefore, it remains critical that people understand its role in nutritional status and other long-term health outcomes, especially through clinical trials.

READ MORE: Multivitamins do not reduce the risk of heart disease, even in people with poor diets

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Health benefits of multivitamins ‘may be all in the mind’

The health benefits of taking multivitamin supplements may be on the mind, scientists suggest. People’s positive expectations could be behind the benefits of multivitamin and mineral tablets, as there is no strong evidence to the contrary.

The study collected data on 21,603 adults in the United States who participated in the 2012 National Health Interview Survey. Of the sample, 4,933 people reported taking multivitamin or mineral tablets regularly.

The findings reveal that regular users of multivitamin or mineral supplements reported 30 percent better overall health than those who did not take them. However, there was no difference between those who took them and those who did not take them in any of the five psychological, physical, or functional health outcomes assessed. Two possible explanations were offered for the findings: people who take supplements regularly simply believe they will give them a health boost, or are generally more positive about their personal health, regardless of what they take.

The effect of positive expectations on those who take multivitamin or mineral supplements becomes even stronger when considering that most of them are sold to the so-called “concerned-good.” However, the lack of any difference in the health outcomes assessed is in line with other studies indicating that multivitamin or mineral supplementation does not improve general health in the general adult population.

READ MORE: The Power of Positivity: The Health Benefits of Multivitamins ‘May All Be in the Mind’

It’s worth noting that StudyFinds neither agrees nor disagrees with these studies. If you’re thinking about taking a multivitamin supplement or if you’re considering stopping, you should first talk to your doctor or health care provider.

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