Fitness influencer Michele Soel has bragged about the results of exercise through the pregnancy when he revealed that he was able to recover to his pre-baby form in just two months.
Michele, who was still exercising at 7 months pregnant, said there are many pregnant women who feel embarrassed about doing training in the gym.
However, she hopes that her body will be an example to encourage other women not to stop exercising during pregnancy.
On the subject, she said: “Physical activity during pregnancy should no longer be a taboo, it is a way to get out of a sedentary lifestyle and have a healthier routine for her and the baby.”
Michele, who has already given birth to her baby, said that the physical exercises she did when she was pregnant helped her define her abs faster after giving birth.
“I managed to get back to my normal body in less than two months, I had a lot of energy,” he said.
The influencer, who has 874,000 followers on Instagram, also ensures that exercise is not only beneficial for the mother.
“Physical activity improves placental circulation, allowing the baby to receive more oxygen and nutrients.”
Michele explains that the best exercises to practice during pregnancy are walking or stretching.
Another exercise indicated by the influencer is pilates.
“It improves breathing, heart rate, stretches and strengthens muscles, and is great for posture.
“You can practice two or three times a week.”
comments come later Michele made headlines last week for sharing her ‘anti-aging’ workout tips.
She claims that many people’s workouts are hampered by poor posture.
Michele says that correct posture can help people rejuvenate themselves and even has anti-aging properties.
“I see a lot of people doing the exercises wrong,” he said.
“It means they will have the back of a 70-year-old man at the age of 30.”
Giving her recommendations for good posture, Michelle said: “The basic advice is to maintain a straight and correct posture and avoid rounding your back, unless it is necessary for the exercise.
“I think this is due to our poor posture on a day-to-day basis, but there is no room for these types of errors during exercise.”
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