My Week On A Plate With A Nutritionist & Health Coach

Breakfast: I get up and go running early. Before I jump in the shower, I mix up oats, chia seeds, coconut flakes, chocolate protein powder, and almond milk. Once this has had 20 minutes to soak, it’s delicious. I top it with Greek yogurt, berries, and hemp seeds.

Lunch: I make a leftover salad bowl with roasted vegetables, tofu, avocado, spinach, feta, spring onion, and chili. Having plenty of fresh vegetables and your favorite sources of protein on hand really helps when you want to whip up a quick and nutritious meal. Around 4 pm, I have a protein bar.

Dinner: I met friends for after work drinks and then went to check out a new Mexican place that just opened in Covent Garden. I enjoyed some delicious fresh margaritas, fish tacos, and pumpkin quesadillas.

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