Nail Care: Nail blackening or pain in it is a symptom of fungal infection, how to prevent it

Nail Fungus Care: Nail problems are very common. It is most common to have problems, especially in the toe nails. Because almost all of us like to wear open footwear and due to this, the problem of nail pain or infection often occurs. How to avoid such infections and keep feet healthy and beautiful.

First of all, you should know that fungal infection in the nails does not happen only when it comes in contact with dirt. Rather, this infection can also be transferred from one person to another. This is due to a fungus that looks like dandruff, which can be transferred from person to person by body contact or using each other’s clothes.

These people are more prone to nail infections

  • Three people are more prone to fungal infection in the nails.
  • those who have diabetes
  • People who have very weak immunity
  • People who do not take care of the hygiene of their feet. Do not sleep after washing your feet especially at night.

Fungal infection in the nail occurs due to these reasons

  • Causes of growth of bacteria in nails
  • because of wearing too tight shoes
  • Reasons for not paying attention to nail injury
  • Due to high sugar level
  • Due to immunity week
  • due to lack of hygiene

Skin can also be damaged

Do not forget to take lightly the fungal infection growing in the nail. Because it is not limited to just your nails but can also damage your skin by growing inside and you may have to face terrible pain. Do not be careless or else there may be a problem in walking. Get the right treatment in time. Here you are being told how to avoid nail infection and cure it at home. If this does not give relief, then do not delay in contacting the doctor.

Nail fungus home remedies

If you actively care for nail fungus in the early stages, then you can stop it from growing. For this, you can also take the help of your beautician, from whom pedicure is done. or even at home pedicure with vinegar water can do. This method has prevented your infection from growing.

  • hydrogen peroxide
  • sd alcohol
  • Vinegar
  • Mix all these three things in equal quantity.
  • Now soak cotton in this prepared liquid and tie it on the nail with fungus.
  • After 15 minutes remove the cotton and wash the feet thoroughly and clean them. Use warm water to wash the feet.
  • Repeat this process twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Within a few days your foot will be completely cured.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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