NEET UG examinees mental trauma: Why you must watch out for panic attacks, doom scrolling and insomnia

Written by Vasudha Sharma

Shreya, who spent three years preparing for the NEET UG exam (the fate of which is uncertain following paper leaks, unexpected grades and a possible retake of the exam), now suffers from panic attacks. “The first week after the announcement of the results, which were totally unexpected, I was in a mess. I was confident about my exam. My body was shaking as I suffered from uncontrollable bouts of crying. A sudden fear and anxiety took hold of me and moving my limbs seemed like an effort. I still wake up sweating at night. Even if a retest is conducted, I have no motivation to study. I am not sure I can face competitive exams anymore,” she adds.


Many NEET final year students like Shreya have fallen into trauma, depression, disorientation and suffer from severe mental health issues, with many questioning their self-esteem and even reporting physical and behavioural problems they never had before. For instance, Sara has lost her appetite and, conditioned to stay awake from midnight to 3am, she is unable to sleep and negative emotions well up inside her. Archana, a student from Greater Noida, has started reading negative news on social media thinking that processing it will ease her trauma. Meanwhile, Archana, who was once calm, now suffers from fits of temper and irritability. “I take offense at arbitrary comments. I have no interest in improving myself because I feel it is pointless. Even after working so hard for years, I have not seen any results.”

Dr Kamna Chibber, Head of the Department of Mental Health and Behavioural Sciences at Fortis Healthcare, sees many students who suffer from anxiety about entrance exams, mainly when their results are not as expected. “Students who fail the exam now worry about having to take it again. Will their previous attempt count or not? Will the admission process be affected? Low spirits, insomnia and self-isolation are common,” she says.

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Dr. Chibber asks family and friends to join in and follow some protocols

1) Students should focus on the aspects that are within their control rather than dwelling on hypothetical situations and idle chatter. For example, if retaking an exam is unavoidable, consider it as another exam that you will have to take later in life and it will not seem so difficult.

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2) Parents should redirect students’ attention to using this time as an opportunity for self-improvement. Encourage your child to continue with his or her daily routine, meet people, practice a hobby, or go outdoors.

Dr Achal Bhagat, a psychiatrist at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital in Delhi, says that the most important thing is to address stress. His suggestions are:

1) Address stress, as if left unchecked, it can precipitate other psychiatric disorders. Feelings of helplessness, low mood, and intrusive thoughts can be symptoms of depression, while increased heart rate, overthinking, and profuse sweating can be signs of anxiety.

2) Develop a plan B or C for every situation in life so that you don’t suddenly fall apart with just one goal. Get close to and interact with your peers.

Sara has already started keeping a journal and is discussing solutions with other NEET 2024 students in an informal support group. “Students can rely on each other because we understand each other’s disappointments on a personal level and find a way through,” she says.

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