Netflix releases trailer for Stutz, Jonah Hill’s documentary on mental health – Film Stories

Netflix’s upcoming movie Stutz will see Jonah Hill share the screen with noted psychiatrist Phil Stutz to discuss approaches to improving mental well-being.

Next month marks the release of stutz, the documentary film directed by Jonah Hill that will analyze the career of one of the most important psychiatrists in the world, Phil Stutz. Both Stutz and Hill will appear on camera, discussing their mental health journeys, while also focusing on some of the exercises Stultz uses to treat patients.

Hill is one of those patients, and the actor recently stated that he would no longer do press for his movies due to the negative impact it was having on his mental health. The actor has already shown his talent as a director with 2018. mid 90s, although clearly it is a film of another style.

we are looking forward to seeing stutz when it comes out next month. In the meantime, you can check out the trailer below.

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