Never let children eat these 4 things with milk, otherwise there will be a bad effect on health

Milk is considered very important for the development of children. Because they are rich in important nutrients like calcium, protein and vitamin D. This not only helps in their physical development, but mental development also happens faster. Every mother gives a glass of milk to her child before going to school. There are some mothers who give a glass full of milk to their children before going to sleep at night. There is no doubt that milk is very important for the child, but it does not benefit them so much when it is given to drink with wrong things. For children to be healthy, it is necessary that they should never be given milk with these things.

1. Milk with Citrus Fruits: Never feed sour fruits to children with milk, like oranges and lemons etc. Because the acid level is high in citrus fruits, due to which the protein in milk gets frozen and makes it difficult to digest. This combination can lead to digestive problems like gas, bloating and abdominal cramps.

2. Salty Snacks With Milk: Parents should avoid giving salty snacks like chips etc. to children along with milk. Because salty snacks can cause dehydration, due to which it becomes difficult for the body to digest milk. This combination can cause gastrointestinal problems.

3. Melon with Milk: Milk is a kind of diet, which is rich in protein and fat. By giving it with watermelon and cantaloupe, the acid present in watermelon binds the proteins present in milk together. That’s why milk can curdle and there can also be further fermentation. Due to this, there can be problems related to digestion and other physical problems.

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4. Milk and Grapes: If you are going to consume milk after eating grapes, then stop. Because the combination of these two can cause gastrointestinal problems, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

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