New normal of wellbeing: Spotlight on mental health

By Sonali Maheshwari

COVID-19 has set the tone for a new “health and wellness” normal. Well-being is not just the absence of disease it is the active presence of well-being. It is a world-renowned fact that mental health is a critical component of overall well-being. There is no denying the fact that intervention at the earliest possible time/stage is crucial to saving lives from any disease. And the same is true for people living with mental disorders as well.

Yet in countries like India, mental health problems continue to be mired in deep-seated stigma and fear of ostracism. Also often due to misconceptions/myths about mental health and mental fitness, as well as lack of access, affordability and awareness, people often suffer in silence and their conditions go untreated. Therefore, a major problem that exists in Indian mental health is treatment. gap, or the number of people with a disease who need treatment but do not receive it”. As a result, the gap makes the problem/disorder/disease so much worse that it sometimes becomes chronic and requires lifelong treatment.

The Lancet studies suggest that India’s contribution to global suicide deaths increased from 25.3% in 1990 to 36.6% in 2016 among women, and from 18.7% to 24.3% among men. the men. The Global Burden of Disease study (1990-2017) says that one in seven Indians was affected by mental disorders of varying severity in 2017 and the proportional contribution of mental disorders to the total burden of disease in India has almost doubled since 1990.

The Lancet in its study “State Burden of Mental Health” has reported that almost 45 million people suffered from mental health disorders, with most Indian states housing a large part of the population showing low progress performance in the index. It says that, on average, 14 percent of Indians suffer from variations of mental health disorders in the country. The report also says that of the mental disorders that have their onset predominantly during childhood and adolescence, the greatest burden of disease was caused by idiopathic intellectual developmental disability (IDID), followed by conduct disorder and spectrum disorders. autistic. Among mental disorders that manifest predominantly during adulthood, the highest burden of disease in India was caused by depressive and anxiety disorders, followed by schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. States such as Maharashtra and several northeastern states bear a higher burden of mental health problems among their citizens than the central and northern states of the country. Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Manipur, and West Bengal have the highest prevalence of anxiety disorders.

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While the data above shows the mental health state of the nation. Its positive correlation with the nation’s economic growth is also an established fact. Projections show that India will suffer massive economic losses due to mental health conditions. According to the World Health Organization, the burden of mental health problems is of the order of 2,443 disability-adjusted life years per 100,000 inhabitants. And the economic loss, due to mental health conditions, between 2012 and 2030, is $1.03 billion in 2010 dollars. The National Mental Health Survey (NMHS) also says that mental health disorders Mental health disproportionately affect households with lower incomes, less education, and less employment. . These vulnerable groups face financial constraints due to their socioeconomic conditions, compounded by the limited resources available for treatment.

To curb the main causes of the burden of non-fatal disease in a nation where people with mental illness and their situations are exacerbated by socioeconomic and cultural factors, strategies of all kinds, that is, promotion, prevention and intervention early will have the greatest impact on people’s lives. Health & Wellness.

To address this growing and already serious problem, the GoI has taken important steps such as the introduction of the Mental Health Policy of 2014 and the Rights-Based Mental Health Act of 2017. Keeping mental health as a theme in initiatives such as the National Program for Adolescent Health and Development, 2016 and the Ayushman Bharat initiative, 2018.

For the successful implementation of the MHA Act 2017, aspects such as primary prevention, reintegration and rehabilitation are more crucial and need constant strengthening with dedicated efforts. Therefore, a dedicated approach is needed towards building a strong infrastructure, including the registration of mental health professionals and the implementation of service delivery standards, while recognizing the scope of the problem. Second, while the new Mental Health Act of 2017 is supposed to change the fundamental focus on mental health issues, including sensible and sensitive patient-centered medical care, it seems to lose the desired focus on elements of prevention. and early detection. Also the thematic integration of the themes in the key programs will surely contribute to raising awareness of the theme.

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But considering the seriousness of the problem (in a nation of 1.3 billion people, 10% have one or more mental problems, according to the results of the NIMHANS mental health survey), incorporating the topic with a holistic approach is of paramount importance. , especially in a setting where the treatment gap is largely due to the stigma and myths associated with the issue. For the Indian population to engage in their own mental health, it is pertinent to address the barriers on the demand side by improving their mental health awareness.

Further strengthening the entire ecosystem, with the right information and awareness, mental health should grow from a topic to a mainstream topic for classroom study. From the earliest possible age, children should know the concepts of anxiety, stress and most importantly that there are possibilities in everyone’s life to experience it and that it is normal. Along with this, they should be taught how to handle it. They should be informed of the importance of sharing, listening, expert services and advice. They should be taught at the appropriate age about the causes and symptoms of stress and its management, they should be taught about the necessary life skills to talk about symptoms, seek help and not feel embarrassed. Most importantly, they must be aware that mental health problems are curable. These learnings will also prevent them from indulging in substance abuse, suicidal thoughts, and other life-threatening activities.

Aside from this, caregivers/parents should also be given guidance on the concept of self-awareness, mental health, and help-seeking. They will also be encouraged to break the cycle of shame and stigma associated with mental health. Ultimately, seeing the dearth of investment in research data and systemic studies will help conceptualize more informed and robust interventions to facilitate prevention where possible and provide affordable treatment. care and rehabilitation.

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With all of these integrated efforts, increased awareness at all levels of the ecosystem can be expected leading to early recognition of symptoms and access to treatment, as well as the adoption of preventive measures.

(The author is a social development professional. He has extensive experience in advocacy and strategic implementation of community-based interventions for development issues such as child sexual abuse, adolescent health and development, gender equality, women’s empowerment, WASH, livelihoods, and maternal and child health and nutrition. The opinions expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of Financial Express Online. Reproduction of this content without permission is prohibited.)

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