New Strain of Mpox Discovered in India, Know How Dangerous It Is and Why It’s Deadly

New strain of Mpox virus: The dangerous Clade-1 variant of monkeypox virus has reached India. The first case of this deadly virus was discovered in Kerala. Where this strain was found in a 38-year-old man. Recently, this person had returned from the United Arab Emirates.

Following this case, the state government and the Ministry of Health are on alert. Let us tell you that after wreaking havoc on the African continent, the World Health Organization (WHO) had issued a global emergency alert regarding this virus. Know what this virus is, how dangerous it is and how to avoid it…

Symptoms of monkeypox




muscle pain

swollen lymph nodes

headache, back pain

to be cold

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How dangerous is monkeypox Clade-1 strain?

The new variant of the Clade-1 strain of monkeypox is considered more dangerous than others. This strain spreads faster than others. As a result, the risk of infection increases. Its symptoms are also very serious, such as high fever, painful rashes, and other problems. In some cases, this strain can become serious and cause pneumonia or encephalitis. Scientists are currently researching this.

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Is the new variant of Monkeypox deadly?

A significant increase in the mortality rate is observed in the Clade-1B strain. The main reason for this is that this strain has a profound impact not only on the skin but also on the respiratory system. People infected with the Clade-1B strain may experience severe respiratory problems like pneumonia. Due to pneumonia, the lungs swell and there is difficulty in breathing. This can also be fatal.

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Some studies have shown that the mortality rate in patients infected with the Clade-1B strain has reached about 10%. However, this depends on many factors. Such as age, poor health, conditions such as medical treatment. To avoid this, one must be vigilant and careful. In any serious situation, one should immediately seek medical attention.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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