Not early in the morning, this is the right time to drink green tea, this is how you get more benefits

Green Tea Benefits: From reducing weight to staying fit and from making the skin young to keeping the mind calm, there are many benefits of drinking green tea. People of all ages can drink this tea and it does not cause the kind of problems in the stomach, like the problems caused by drinking milk tea. At one time green-tea was considered the choice of only fitness freaks but now it is not so. Because the benefits of green-tea are not just limited to weight loss, but its consumption also improves digestion and also helps in controlling blood pressure. First of all, know about the special benefits of green-tea here …

Effective in preventing and treating cancer

Polyphenols are found in very good amounts in green tea. They stop the growth of cancer cells growing in the body and also help in destroying them completely. Therefore, in today’s time, when the consumption of fast food and food containing pesticides has increased so much, then all of us should also start consuming green tea.

control the problem of high bp

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) is required to control the increased blood pressure and green-tea acts as a natural ACE. Therefore, its consumption is very helpful in controlling the problem of high BP.

reduce the risk of heart attack

The use of green tea keeps the arteries clean. This reduces the risk of heart blockage and also keeps away the risk of heart stroke.

Beneficial in sugar disease

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The amount of glucose in the blood is controlled by the consumption of green tea. Because its production helps in increasing the amount of insulin and benefits in the problem of diabetes.

right time to drink green tea

  • The best time to drink green tea is one to one and a half hours after breakfast or food. You should avoid consuming green-tea on an empty stomach. Along with this, drinking it should also be avoided at night, otherwise there may be problem in sleeping.
  • The right way to drink green tea is to drink it without adding sugar and honey. Whenever using a green-tea bag, keep the tea-bag immersed in hot water for one to one and a half minutes. The tea can become bitter if steeped more than this.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, consult a doctor.

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