Not only potatoes, the treasure of health is also hidden in its peel.

Benefits Of Potato Peel: We, you and generally all the people peel off the potato and throw it directly in the dustbin and cook delicious vegetable of potato, but what you are throwing away thinking it as waste is not a waste but a treasure of health. Today we are going to tell you some such benefits of potato peel, after knowing which you will never throw away potato peel again. Actually potato peel is a treasure of many nutrients. Potassium, iron, antioxidants, calcium, vitamin B complex, chlorogenic acid phytochemicals are found in it, let’s know about some of its benefits.

Keep the heart safeThe potassium found in potato peel also plays a big role in keeping the heart healthy. Regular intake of this can reduce the chances of a person having a heart attack. Along with this, the chances of getting any kind of heart disease are also less.

Beneficial in BP –Potassium is found in plenty in potato peel and it is also rich in vitamin C, which helps in maintaining blood pressure.

Beneficial for bonesIron potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium copper and zinc are found in potato peel. All these play a huge role in maintaining bone density. Its regular intake can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Keep the digestive system healthy Potato peel contains a lot of fibers, in such a way it also works to boost the digestive system.

Brighten the skin Potato peel also has many benefits for the skin, it has antibacterial properties, as well as phenolic and antioxidant elements are found in it, which are helpful in removing the blackness of the skin, apart from this, skin spots can also be caused by peels.

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Helpful in preventing cancerPotato peels contain phytochemicals that act as an excellent antioxidant, as well as contain chlorogenic acid, which also reduces the possibility of cancer.

How to consume potato peel

Wash the potato peels with clean water, after that cook the potato peels in the oven, add salt, black pepper, chaat masala and eat them hot.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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