Insulin Plant Leaves For Diabetes: Controlling the sugar level is very important for a diabetic patient. Diabetes affects other parts of the body as well. The insulin plant we are talking about has been considered very effective in reducing sugar. The medicinal properties of this plant have also been recognized by NCBI.
What is insulin plant
The Insulin Plant is the perfect medicine. Insulin plant i.e. Costus ignus This plant is from the Costaceae species, which is found in Asia. You can also plant it at home. By eating the leaves of this plant, the body gets protein, iron and antioxidants. It has the power to control sugar.
Nutrients in Insulin Plants
Insulin plant contains many such chemicals, which control blood sugar. It is rich in proteins, terpenoids, flavonoids, antioxidants, ascorbic acid, iron, B-carotene, corosolic acid and many other nutrients.
How Insulin Plant Controls Blood Sugar
By eating insulin leaves, the secretion of insulin released from the pancreas in the body increases. This activates insulin and the pancreas produces more insulin. In this, Corosolic Acid controls blood sugar.
how to use insulin plant
If you have a plant of insulin plant in or around your house, then chew its leaf daily and eat it. You have to eat them for 1 month. If you want, you can also eat the powder of its leaves. You have to eat one spoon of powder daily.
Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article. Take these only as suggestions. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.
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