Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep: Which Natural Treatments Help Kids with ADHD?

the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends treating ADHD in children with medication and behavioral therapy; however, many families research and try natural treatments as well.

During a recent ADDitude webinar titled, “Lifestyle changes with the greatest impact on children with ADHD”, we received hundreds of questions from parents interested in harnessing sleep, nutrition, exercise, and mindfulness to manage their child’s ADHD. Here, the editors of ADDitude answer some of your most common questions and provide links to related resources.

Q1: How can I help my child focus long enough to adopt mindfulness techniques?

Getting children with ADHD to slow down and sit quietly in the lotus position is neither easy nor necessary for effective mindfulness practice. A quiet and consistent meditation routine does not have to happen in silence or while still. consider the care “SEAT”, which includes a quick reflection on immediate sensations, emotions, actions and thoughts. The “silent sigh” is a slow exhalation that can be used on the brink of collapse and as an alternative to more demanding deep breathing exercises. Once you’ve found an activity that engages your child’s ADHD brain, the next step is to encourage consistent practice.

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Q2: Do you have any suggestions for a child with ADHD who is having trouble falling asleep?

Losing just one hour of sleep a night can affect a child’s academic performance, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. To trick the ADHD brain into going into sleep mode, try keep the same bedtime for your son every night. Give them at least an hour to prepare for bed without access to electronic devices. Increasing exercise during the day can help tire both mind and body, although it’s best to finish physical activity at least three hours before lights out. Some parents have had success with weighted blankets, white noise machines, and essential oils.

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Q3: Is long-term use of melatonin safe? My 11 year old son can’t “turn off his brain” without it.

Melatonin is considered healthy, safe, and effective for most children and adults in small doses and short-term use. Studies have not shown a link to dependence, but data on the safety of taking melatonin long term. Talk to your doctor or pediatrician about possible side effects and to determine the best dose for your child.

Q4: My 13-year-old son is obsessed with sugar. Is this normal with ADHD and are we helping him if we limit his sugar intake?

ADHD brains often lack dopamine. It’s no surprise, then, that kids with ADHD crave the dopamine boost that sugar provides. Although research is ongoing, some studies suggest that more sugar can lead to increased hyperactivity and impulsivity. To test the effect of sugar on your child’s behavior, try the sugar test. Reduce your intake as much as possible for 10 days. On day 11, introduce a sugary snack or drink and see if it affects your energy and focus.

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Q5: How do I implement the nurtured heart approach when my 2e finds it patronizing? I praise him for the little things he regularly fails to do.

If your child rejects attempts to Nurtured Heart Approach to Positive Parentingdon’t get discouraged yet. He will continue to ignore negative behavior and vigorously reward progress, and his efforts will eventually pay off. However, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy when it comes to improving behavior. Dr. Robert Brooks suggests using “islands of competition” and contributory activities that incorporate a child’s strengths and interests. You can also consider Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, daily special houreither this list of suggestions from readers.

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Next steps:

Q6: Are there natural ways to support children with ADHD and anxiety?

Talk to your child’s pediatrician or a qualified health care provider about inositol and theanine supplements, which are known for their calming effects on the brain. Inositol is part of the vitamin B complex, and theanine is an amino acid found in green tea. Many essential oils, such as lavender and frankincense, are commonly used for relaxation. Consider these in addition to other forms of support, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation, and spending time in nature.

Next steps:

The content of this article was based on questions submitted by live attendees during the ADDitude ADHD Experts webinar titled: “Lifestyle changes with the greatest impact on children with ADHD” [Video Replay & Podcast #414] with Sandy Newmark, MD, which aired live on August 4, 2022.

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