Nutrition tips for diabetes: How to create a healthy plate

Your eating habits can go a long way in controlling your blood sugar levels and controlling diabetes. The metabolic disorder that once affected middle-aged and elderly people is now affecting all age groups, including the young and children. Somewhere, our lifestyle choices must be blamed for making us more sedentary and unhealthy. (Also read: Diabetes diet: 6 healthy foods to control your blood sugar levels)

Continuing to make the wrong food choices even after your diabetes diagnosis it can wreak havoc on your health and put you at risk of various complications stemming from the disease. Including the right types of foods, on the other hand, can help reduce drug dependency and control blood glucose levels naturally.

“Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disorder caused by unhealthy eating habits, poor food choices, nutritional deficiencies, or lack of exercise. Genetics is a contributing factor to predisposition to diabetes, but with lifestyle Active living and optimal nutrition can be well managed without any dependency on medications,” says Avantii Deshpaande, PCOS and Gut Health Nutritionist.

Avantii shares how it’s not just about counting calories to control diabetes, but also about choosing the right food combination.

“A calorie deficit with low-to-moderate intensity training is a good choice for weight loss. But thinking about a calorie deficit might not be a good idea. Choosing the right combination of carbohydrates, protein, and fat is also important. Insulin resistance in obesity can lead to diabetes Carbohydrates in the diet lead to insulin resistance more than fats in the diet, so there is a paradigm shift in keeping the diet high in protein, fiber, good fats and moderate to low carbohydrates in the diet. ”, says the nutritionist.

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Eat for the healthy plate

The nutritionist says that controlling portions and following the diet with the healthy plate method is the correct way to control diabetes along with counting carbohydrates in the diet.

“Stick to eating from the healthy plate for main meals, including lunch and dinner. 50% should be a serving of salad, 25% protein, and the remaining 25% carbs,” says Avantii.

The power of probiotics

The nutritionist who regularly educates people on the diabetes diet and has written books like Learn The Art To Eat Smart and Breakfast Recipes, says diabetes is often caused by low-grade inflammation due to unhealthy eating habits. and sedentary lifestyle. Adding probiotics to the diet can help improve gut health and diabetes symptoms.

“Gut health (i.e. the number and type of microorganisms) depends on the diet consumed. To increase good bacteria, it is important to consume probiotics in the diet. Probitocs are naturally present in curd and whey. milk, so make it a point to consume at least 100g of curd or 300ml of whey in the day,” says Avantii.

Alternatively, he suggests fermented vegetables like kimchi and sauerkraut, kefir milk, kombucha, or kanji beets with each meal.

Foods that reduce inflammation.

Cruciferous vegetables: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turmeric, which is high in curcumin and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, should be part of the diet against diabetes.

“Green leafy vegetable juices are rich in phytonutrients and berries are rich in polyphenols. Both will help you reduce inflammation, ”adds the nutritionist.

Chromium-rich foods

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Chromium is known to play a vital role in glucose control, enhancing weight loss and muscle mass. Avantii says that eating foods rich in chromium can be extremely beneficial for diabetes patients. These include whole grains, poultry, broccoli, potatoes, green beans, and dairy products.

“Along with changes in diet, make sure you do 20 minutes of active exercise every day. Weight training along with cardiovascular exercises are best suited to control diabetes,” says the nutritionist.

She adds that it’s important to focus on getting a good night’s sleep and managing stress to reduce inflammation and better manage diabetes.


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