Nutritionist claims palak and paneer is a bad food combo; here’s why

Palak Paneer it’s a much-loved winter delicacy that people look forward to when it’s cold. From the regular dinner option to the party food, the popular dish finds a place on almost every menu. It is also considered a nutritious food since spinach is rich in iron, potassium, protein, fiber and a variety of other micronutrients. Paneer is also a storehouse of protein, calcium and is good for people with diabetes. Both palak and paneer are good for bone health and improve overall immunity. However, according to a nutritionist, palak and paneer together can offset each other’s benefits and basically don’t go well together. (Also read: Spinach Recipes – Healthy and Tasty Palak Snacks to Boost Your Child’s Immunity)

Nutritionist Nmami Agarwal in her recent Instagram post gives reasons why palak and paneer should not be eaten together. Agarwal says that certain foods are healthy individually, but when eaten together they can reduce each other’s nutritional advantage. In the case of palak paneer, the iron in palak and the calcium in paneer don’t really help each other in nutrient absorption.

Why palak and paneer don’t go well together?

“You love palak paneer? Well, it’s not the right combination. It tastes great, right? Why? Because there are certain combinations that don’t go well together. Now, healthy eating doesn’t just mean eating the right foods. It means eating the right foods in the right combinations.There are certain combinations that inhibit the absorption of nutrients from each when eaten together.One such combination is iron and calcium.Spinach is rich in iron and paneer is rich in calcium “When these two foods are eaten together, calcium inhibits iron absorption. So, for maximum iron utilization, take palak aloo or palak corn instead,” suggests Agarwal.

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What Ayurveda says about the wrong combination of foods

Ayurveda also has a concept of Viruddha Ahaar where the ancient medicinal practice prohibits the combination of certain ingredients like banana and milk as having them together can release an energy called Vipaka and can lead to various health problems. Combination of fish and milk, honey and ghee in equal proportions, curd and cheese are also considered Viruddha Ahara.

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