Nuts and seeds should be consumed in quantity in the morning, know here

Dry Fruits and Seeds: You can choose dry fruits as breakfast or as the first food of the day. These are like nectar for health and help in making the body strong from inside as well as increasing the energy level. Today we have brought here this information for you that in a day you can use Nuts i.e. dry fruits and seeds i.e. seeds of fruits and vegetables.

Eat seeds in such quantity every day

  • Eat as many seeds as you choose from half a teaspoon to a teaspoon. That is, take out all the sunflower seeds, melon seeds, watermelon seeds, etc. in the amount of half to one teaspoon.
  • Keep the number of almonds between 5 to 10.
  • Raisins 5 to 7
  • raisins 5 to 7
  • 4 to 5 touches
  • Soak all these in water for overnight. Take out the water in the morning and eat them.
  • During this you can add a walnut to it.
  • When you have to eat seeds and nuts every day, then their quantity should be very limited and right. So that you do not have any kind of problem with them. Because seeds and nuts are hot in effect and eating in excess can cause acidity and digestive problems.
  • You must consume milk after eating seeds and nuts. by this you complete diet get benefit of. And there will be no problem due to the heat of these dry fruits, but their properties will be balanced.

keep these things in mind

  • Seeds and nuts should be soaked in an earthen pot during the summer season.
  • These seeds should always be eaten slowly and chewed.
  • Seeds should be raw i.e. they should not be fried or fried.
  • There should be no salt or any kind of spice in the seeds.
  • Do not soak flax seeds with nuts. Rather keep them soaked separately and eat separately.
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a child, they should consume flax seeds in moderation.
  • Do not take flax seeds and walnuts together in the summer season and if possible do not eat them in the hot summer season.
  • It is better to consume sesame seeds in the winter season. If you want to eat them in the summer season, then eat them in very small quantities.

(Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article should be taken only as a suggestion, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment / medicine / diet, please consult a doctor.)

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