NYC Parks Hosts Tons Of FREE Fitness Classes All Winter Long

This can get you one step closer to your New Year’s resolution!

One of the many advantages of living in this great big city is all the wonderful free things to do—especially when it comes to fitness classes. During the summer, Bryant Park hosts its beloved free yoga in the park, but did you know that there are free classes like this throughout the year?

Shape Up NYC is a group fitness program located in all five boroughs, and their classes are completely FREE! The initiative “aims to reduce health disparities in New York City by targeting classes in high-need neighborhoods such as the South Bronx, Central Harlem, and North and Central Brooklyn,” shares its website.

From aerobics, bootcamp, Zumba, and more, each class is led by a volunteer fitness instructor, who is sure to cheer you on for whatever physical activity you’re tackling.

Shape Up NYC is the perfect program to try in the winter as tons of classes are hosted inside the rec centers or virtually so you don’t have to fight the cold.

This winter they will offer more than 70 new classes at 40 new locations to attract more New Yorkers of all ages. Learn to tap dance at Rhythm & Style Tap or practice mindfulness when you attend Stretch & Breathe classes that will calm your body and synchronize your breathing as you learn to lengthen your muscles.

For classes organized inside the recreation centers, you will only need to bring a government-issued ID and a lock (if you wish) for your belongings.

For safety reasons, all classes have limited capacity to ensure social distancing. Face masks must be worn during all indoor classes and proof of vaccination must be shown. Outdoor classes require face masks for those who are not vaccinated.

Pre-registration is required for indoor classes and walk-ins are accepted for outdoor classes that are not full.

Sessions run in both the morning and evening, so you’re sure to find a class to fit your schedule. Browse all current classes now and register here. You can even filter by neighborhood to find the classes closest to you.


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  Keep doing this work at home along with medicine and exercise, the disease will be cured soon!

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