Omicron BA.5 Symptoms: Here’s What Experts Say

The Covid-19 pandemic is not over yet and the appearance of new variants of Coronavirus still poses a threat. The latest mutant BA.5 has come to the attention of the medical fraternity due to its new symptoms.

As the new variant spreads, doctors and health experts have noticed new symptoms, which are less common or new compared to previous variants. The latest mutation, BA.5, is a subvariant of Omicron, which had less severe symptoms.

Experts warn that the new mutations could show completely new symptoms, which were absent in the case of Omicron and previous variants. As far as the Omicron BA.5 strain is concerned, a slight difference in symptoms is noted among patients infected with it.

First of all, the most common symptom, which has been predominant since the appearance of the malevolent virus, remains the same. Sore throat is still very common in half of Omicron cases. Other common symptoms like cough, headache and nasal congestion are also substantially visible.

One of the changes noticed in the BA.5 strain is that the symptoms are milder or less severe than in the previous variants. According to a Times India report, one of the reasons experts believe that Omicron BA.5 patients have milder symptoms is that they begin to show symptoms even after being infected with a smaller amount of virus.

There was a time when loss of smell used to be one of the most prominent symptoms of Covid-19. This is not the case with Omicron and its sub-variants. Altered odor is one of the less common symptoms, which continues to highlight that Omicron BA.5 affects the neural system in rare cases.

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This also implies that the new variant has fewer long-term consequences, commonly known as post-Covid or long-Covid symptoms. Other symptoms include hoarse voice, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, fever, loss of appetite, and body aches, among several others.

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