One in four young people are affected by ADHD, new study reveals a secret

ADHD in young people : ADHD i.e. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects children the most but nowadays adults are also falling prey to it. It is a mental disorder in which the brain does not develop slowly or properly compared to a normal person. In this disorder, young people may face problems such as difficulty concentrating on anything and restlessness.

A new study from Wexner Medical Center and The Ohio State University School of Medicine found that about 25 percent of adults develop ADHD, meaning one in four young people are affected. 4.4% of people aged 18 to 44 have ADHD. In such a situation, know what this disease is and why it affects young people…

Causes of ADHD in adults

1. Excessive use of social media

2. Genetic reasons

3. Brain Structure

4. Smoking, alcohol consumption, anxiety, stress during pregnancy.

5. Lack of oxygen at the time of delivery, children watch too much television and mobile phones.

6. Environmental causes like pollution

7. Healthy eating and eating

8. Mental stress

9. Lack of sleep

10. Lack of physical activities

ADHD Symptoms in Adults

1. Frequent distraction from work, inability to concentrate on anything.

2. In some cases, the patient fears that if he concentrates too much on his work, he might make a mistake or miss important information.

3. Problem of forgetting

4. Interrupting or talking too much in the middle of a conversation, reacting suddenly to something.

5. Thinking negatively about yourself

6. Not having good management skills, forgetting to keep an item somewhere, not being able to properly maintain the room, house or office.

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7. Not being able to manage time

8. Anxiety, lack of peace of mind, always being irritable and in a bad mood.

9. According to a 2013 study, ADHD patients are unable to pay attention to their physical health and diet, and are also unable to take their medications correctly.

What is the treatment for ADHD?

1. If symptoms appear, seek medical attention immediately.

2. When ADHD is mild, doctors administer cognitive behavioral therapy.

3. Try to manage stress, do yoga and meditation.

4. Eat nutrient-dense things.

5. Try to sleep and wake up on time, sleep fully.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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