Oracle wants to put your health history on cloud – ET HealthWorld

Las Vegas: For years, the world has prioritized the “shopping route over health care,” Larry Allison told a packed gathering at Oracle CloudWorld here last month. “Shopping is important, health is not – it’s not right. “

For tech magnate Ellison, now 78, the covid A pandemic is a wake-up call. “We have such a fabulous global system for credit,” Oracle co-founder Ellison points out. “Our credit score, our salaries, our bank transactions, our loans, it’s all common knowledge — accessible at the click of a mouse. But our health data is quite fragmented. And Alison wants to change that. “Why can’t we create a similar system for healthcare?” he says.

Say, someone lives Stanford And visits the hospital there. All his health records will be in that hospital. Now, suppose this person is visiting his parents in Montana and has an accident. The doctors attending him there would be clueless — what is his blood type, is he allergic to penicillin, does he have any heart disease?

Alison admits this is a very ambitious goal. “Your health records are scattered across dozens of databases,” he says. And he wants to link them all. This will, of course, be anonymous data and the doctor can only access it when the patient says so.

But can it be done? Oracle recently announced that the US has acquired Cerner, an established hospital facility management firm, and hopes that Cerner’s expertise in healthcare combined with Oracle’s tech will help create an advanced national healthcare platform that can then scale to a global database.

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“We can’t do this alone,” Alison admits. But Oracle has worked with many partners during the Covid years. “We worked with Oxford. We worked together CDC. “

“During Covid, the scale and pace of everything changed.” And perhaps that was the spark that led Alison to plan for a future where we are better prepared to deal with crises.

Another big venture that Ellison is pushing for is connected clouds. Microsoft’s Azure and Oracle clouds are already connected. Ellison believes that customers will increasingly choose multi-cloud platforms, AWS and push Google Also linking their clouds with Oracle and Azure.

(The correspondent was in Las Vegas at the invitation of Oracle)


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