OverSleeping Side Effects: What Happens When We Sleep Too Much?

Side effects of excessive sleep: Adequate sleep is essential for good health, but is too much sleep dangerous? While we may be tempted to go to bed on the weekends, experts believe it could be a sign of more serious health problems. In addition, the desire for excessive sleep is now associated with mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.Also read – 5 Morning Habits That Can Make You Fat

The amount of sleep you need varies greatly throughout your life. It is determined by your age and activity level as well as your overall health and lifestyle habits. Individuals who get more than nine hours of sleep a night are more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Today, we will look at the negative consequences of excessive sleep, including how it can disturb you mentally and physically.

What happens if we sleep too much?

  1. Back pain: If you are a chronic over sleeper, no matter how comfortable you feel, back pain can return to your body. Prolonged rest on poor quality pillows can make your muscles tired, and can actually get worse when combined with poor sleep conditions.
  2. Frustration: Although insomnia is usually associated with depression rather than excessive sleep, about 15% of people with depression sleep more. This can increase their depression.
  3. Diabetes: Because we are tired during the day and deplete of energy, we compensate by eating junk, which fills you with unnecessary calories and raises blood sugar levels. It is essential that we maintain a healthy sleep cycle as much as possible.
  4. headache: Excessive sleep can cause headaches. This is because too much sleep can lower serotonin levels. Serotonin is responsible for regulating mood and sleep. Migraines or headaches can occur when serotonin levels are not balanced.
  5. Fatigue: Studies have shown excessive sleep to make you feel tired. According to a study, people who sleep more than nine hours a night had trouble waking up. They were also tired and lethargic during the day, indicating a lack of sleep.
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