Passion, exercise, and relationships protect against cognitive decline

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In a recent article, researchers reviewed studies linking three key lifestyle factors to brain health. RF Mint Images/Getty Images
  • In a recent article, researchers reviewed studies linking exercise, relationships, and passion to brain health.
  • They found reasonable evidence that all three factors offer protection against cognitive decline.
  • Their review noted that randomized controlled trials are needed to confirm their findings.

Changes in cognitive function during the aging process are related to the volume of white and gray matter in the brain.

Gray matter consists of biological structures, including neuronal cell bodies, synapses, and capillaries, while white matter consists of myelinated axons, through which signals are carried between neurons.

Gray matter volume constantly declensions around 10 years old. Research suggests that medically and cognitively healthier individuals experience less brain atrophy than less healthy individuals.

Studies also show that regular exercisestrong relationships and passion they are key to maintaining a healthy brain during the aging process.

In a recent article, researchers conducted a comprehensive review of the extensive body of literature available on the link between developing brain physiology and physical activity, social relationships, and passion. Based on evidence, they report that a greater passion for an area or skill leads to more physical activity, more social relationships, and better well-being.

“[From our research]we have discovered that passion, or a strong interest, can be a [key motivational factor for achievement and well-being] since it sets the direction of the arrow,“ Hermundur SigmundssonPh.D., a psychology professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, the lead author, said Today’s medical news.

“That’s why we say: Find your passion and develop it! Courage, or perseverance, is the size and strength of the arrow. Find your area of ​​interest and focus on the process. [Be ready to] take challenges! Challenges are key to development!” he added.

The article was recently published in a special issue of brain science.

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Observational studies indicate that an active lifestyle is helpful in maintaining cognitive and neurological health in all age groups, especially in higher order processes such as task switching, working memory, and cognitive inhibition.

The researchers noted in their article that intervention studies had confirmed these findings.

For example, older adults who performed 1 hour of aerobic training 3 times per week for 6 months had raised Gray and white matter volume compared to controls.

Other research shows that physical activity increases functionality in areas of the brain related to attention and attention control, activities of daily living and cognitive reservea reserve of thinking skills that acts as a buffer against age-related cognitive decline.

The new document points to studies that suggest that the maintenance of social ties enhances cognitive reserve through cognitive strategies, greater neuronal growth and synaptic density, which protect against pathological processes.

Imaging studies have shown that larger social networks are linked to larger orbitofrontal cortex, involved in decision-making, and amygdala volume.

These studies also show that less socially active people have a greater than number of white matter lesions.

Furthermore, randomized controlled trials have shown that social relationships can to improve cognitive reserve, and interventions have shown that increased social interaction in communities is bound to better cognitive function and larger brain volume.

Other studies, however, indicate no link between social relationships and cognitive function later in life. Therefore, the researchers suggest that stronger evidence from randomized controlled trials is needed to prove causality.

In their article, the researchers passion defined as “a strong feeling toward a personally important value/preference that motivates intentions and behaviors to express that value/preference”.

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Other research has found that passion is related to more deliberate practice among soccer players and better well-being and performance among workers.

The researchers also noted that passion might be important in maintaining neural plasticity. They wrote: “…hence the repetition, use it or lose it, use it and improve the intensity.”

An example of this is someone who is passionate about learning new languages. The researchers wrote that passion could motivate an individual to practice the second language more, thereby strengthening their gray matter, neural cells, and connections.

They also noted that psychological traits such as determination and growth mindset have also been bound to the development of gray matter in different parts of the brain.

The researchers also aforementioned several articles suggesting that impaired motor function, antisocial behavior, depression, and anhedonia (the inability to feel pleasure) are common in neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders and in the natural aging process.

Therefore, they suggested that a “vicious cycle” may be at play: less physical activity may promote less social participation and lower well-being.

“Passion gives direction to the area of ​​interest, which could be related to the dopamine system, which is central to attention, learning, goal-directed behaviors, and rewards. passion can be Provide the essential approach to achieving long-term goals,” the researchers wrote.

When asked how physical activity, socializing, and passion improve brain health, kramer artPh.D., a professor emeritus in the department of psychology at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, who was not involved in the research, said MNT:

We know more about the mechanisms underlying physical activity than social interactions or the learning of novel skills, as there is a multi-decade literature on the effects of physical activity on brain health and learning and memory because there are excellent animal models for physical activity (often rodent wheel racing).”

“The animal literature suggests a number of brain changes associated with physical activity, including new neurons in regions of the brain that support memory, more connections between neurons (called synapses), and increases in vascular structure. Increases in neurotransmitters and nerve growth factors (among other changes) have also been associated with increases in physical activity in animal models.”

– Art Kramer, Ph.D., professor emeritus at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

The researchers concluded that physical exercise, social interactions and passion are key to maintaining brain health.

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When asked about the article’s limitations, Dr. Sigmundsson noted that his article is a review only and that intervention studies focusing on increasing passion, physical activity, and social engagement should be conducted to confirm his hypotheses. .

Dr Kramer added: “There are a number of limitations, including how best to customize these factors to improve cognitive and brain function in people, as well as how best to combine intellectual engagement, physical activity and social interactions. to maximize your benefits throughout life. and with patients and non-patients alike.”


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