Pave the way for MOTION: A new era in Health and Wellness – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Lack of secure, decentralized and reliable electronics Health Data is the problem with today’s centralized health well-being systems sports and fitness Complementary supply chain leaks and counterfeit products hurt the industry. Currently, a small number of industry intermediaries are responsible for managing and consuming health data through wearables and mobile apps.

speed Wellness Pvt Ltd’s mission statement is to use their entire MOTION Web3 ecosystem, which includes the DeWell (Decentralized Wellness) platform, mobile applications, NFTs, Metaverse, Tokens, Wearables, etc., to comprehensively address issues with current centralized health and wellness systems. . .

MOTION strives to empower its users over their health data, bringing Web3 power to the health and wellness market. MOTION will leverage blockchain for this, as this transformative technology allows consumers to regain control of their health data. With its decentralized nature, blockchain can address data ownership challenges. It will help users regain control over their health data by allowing them to choose who has access to their information online. This provides consumers with much-needed control over their health data.

Why Blockchain Technology for Motion Dwell Platform?

As more and more personal health and fitness data is stored on wearables and apps, data privacy issues have grown exponentially. It has been found that when consumers use health and fitness apps developed by digital behemoths, they unwittingly submit their data to them. When third-party suppliers who make fitness trackers and fitness apps have access to consumer health data, concerns about data privacy, security and transparency can be raised.

This is where blockchain technology comes in to help mitigate these pitfalls and provide customers with ownership over their data using a decentralized digital ledger system that makes users the owners of their data. This is the real Web3 ethos.

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MOTION is ushering in a new era by providing a platform for users’ digital health and wellness anchored in blockchain. The Dwell platform is poised to usher in an era where users will control all their health data. With their permission, users’ health data will be used by Web3 developers and our wellness ecosystem partners to allow a secure, mobile and on-demand digital health and wellness experience.

As we know, most of the health related data today is centralized. MOTION aims to decentralize it using a hybrid blockchain that features controlled access to data and freedom at the same time.

MOTION also plans to launch a low-code SDK (Software Development Kit) and API Factory for Wellness Web3 developers, where developers can develop their own wellness and proactive healthcare dApps on top of decentralized health data. Such dApps will enable users to share their health data securely and quickly with our ecosystem partners who will use these dApps.

What does a motion ecosystem consist of?

Fitness gadgets and healthcare apps are becoming increasingly popular as people’s interest in overall health and wellness increases. Their ability to track users’ daily activities like step count, heart rate and sleeping patterns is quite impressive. “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it,” as the saying goes. Access to this personal fitness data allows consumers to assess their lifestyle and get one step closer to wellness.

The Motion Fitness app will be a web3 mobile app that any user can download from Google Play Store or Apple Store. MOTION plans to launch its own wearable that will be tightly integrated with the MOTION Fitness app.

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The app will enable the user to record his/her step count and earn rewards as well as MOTN tokens for every 10,000 steps. The MOTN token will be a community-based token that will be used to reward users for their efforts to stay healthy. User will be able to freely trade MOTN tokens in crypto wallet for other tokens/coins or fiat currencies depending on the option provided by the exchange or wallet application.

The launch date of the MOTN token was recently announced on the band Telegram group. MOTION actively shares all updates and various pre-launch challenges that help users earn MOTN tokens as rewards. Twitter And Instagram.

What are Motion’s future plans?

In the future Motion plans to introduce their own NFT – MOTNFT and their own Metaverse – MOTIONVERSE. MOTNFT will be an NFT-based fool-proof anti-counterfeiting solution with real-time supply chain tracking, running exclusively on highly secure blockchain servers.

Sports and fitness assets. MOTNFT will also act as a marketplace for gym trainers, bodybuilders and dieticians to publish their NFTs that entitle the owner to a health and wellness experience.

The MOTIONVERSE will be a metaverse for health and wellness. It will provide a virtual space for interaction between users and fitness trainers without any geographical boundaries. MOTIONVERSE will also enable virtual wellness tourism in a digital version of places users cannot normally physically visit.

MOTION with its complete ecosystem aims to bring about a paradigm shift in how health and wellness data is dealt with and provide consumers with much-needed control over their health data. Such large-scale collection of health data will help many businesses provide better and more personalized services and products. This decentralized data will help healthcare workers better understand the impact of lifestyle on diseases and health problems, which could revolutionize the healthcare system and the wellness industry.

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