Peloton appears to be ending regular live Bike Bootcamp classes with new “Bike Bootcamp: Triple Threat” Collection – Peloton Buddy

When Peloton launched its New schedule earlier this month, members were quick to point out the absence of Bike Bootcamps. While new consistent times were offered for almost every other modality, Bike Bootcamp was not mentioned at all. Peloton responded to comments on social media by saying “stay tuned” for more information, and that information is starting to surface in a way that suggests Peloton will no longer offer regular live bike training camps, at least in the future. foreseeable.

On Monday, August 22, the day the new schedule went into effect, Peloton launched a new “Bike Bootcamp: Triple Threat” Collection. The collection’s description reads: “Take care of your week with a rotating trio of Bike Bootcamp classes: guided workouts that take you on and off the bike.”

Bike Bootcamp: Triple Threat Collection.
Bike Bootcamp: Triple Threat Collection.

The collection contains three classes, two of which are brand new on-demand installments from Robin Arzón and Callie Gullickson. The collection is designed to be taken within a week to provide a complete regimen and will be updated weekly going forward.

Numerous Bike Bootcamp instructors also shared the news on their own social media channels, providing additional context about the collection, namely that there will be two new on-demand classes included in the collection each week. Jess Sims posted on her Instagram story:

“Every Monday we will launch three bike bootcamps under ‘collections’, two new and one pre-existing. We recommend taking three a week to feel the wonder of what these classes offer and we are excited to have three strategic classes each week (complete, superior and basic!)”

Jess Sims's Instagram story.Jess Sims's Instagram story.
Jess Sims’s Instagram story.

Tunde Oyeneyin shared a similar message on her Instagram story:

“Update: Bike Bootcamp will now drop Mondays in the “collections” tab. You will receive three drops per week, two classes will be brand new and one will be a pre-existing class. The benefit of the Triple Threat Collection is having three strategic classes planned for you each week (Full Body, Upper Body, and Core). Happy camping friends!”

Tunde Oyeneyin's Instagram story.Tunde Oyeneyin's Instagram story.
Tunde Oyeneyin’s Instagram story.

The wording of both posts indicates that the Bike Bootcamp classes will drop on demand every Monday and will be updated in the Bike Bootcamp: Triple Threat collection every week. Interestingly, both Jess and Tunde specifically leave out the lower-body focused Bike Bootcamp (of which there hasn’t been a new class since). April) of their descriptions.

At the time of publishing, there are only encore classes listed in the Upcoming Bike Bootcamp Schedule – and this has been the case for several weeks. This, along with the release and writing of this new collection, suggests that Peloton is doing away with Live Bike Bootcamps, at least for now.

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Peloton also began saying on social media channels that members shouldn’t expect to see regular live bike training classes for the foreseeable future, but instead will be relegated to “special” live classes infrequently.

A member received the following response from Peloton via DM when inquiring about Bike Bootcamp’s live classes:

A response from Peloton regarding Bike Bootcamp's live classes.A response from Peloton regarding Bike Bootcamp's live classes.
A response from Peloton regarding Bike Bootcamp’s live classes. Thanks to @jaimelynneid for sharing.

Our Bike Bootcamp classes are mostly moving to an on-demand schedule, but we’ll be releasing Bike Bootcamp releases each week so you can continue your full-body workout. Stay tuned for special live Bike Bootcamp classes!

Bike Bootcamp was first launched as an on-demand only modality on september 2020but live classes were quickly added just a couple of months later in November 2020.

It’s important to note that Peloton has not officially announced that there will be no more live Bike Bootcamps in the future, other than suggestions and responses like the ones above.

We will continue to provide updates as additional information becomes available. In the meantime, you can keep an eye on the Upcoming Bike Bootcamp Schedule and access the evolution Bike Bootcamp: Triple Threat Collection here.

Will you miss Live Bike Bootcamps if they go away forever?

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katie weicher

Katie Weicher is a writer for Hair Buddy. She bought her Peloton bike from her in 2016 and has been riding, strength training, and yoga ever since. You can find her on the leaderboard at #kweich.

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