People who cry while watching movies are more likely to die young

According to a study conducted at Florida State University, people who cry while watching a movie. They are victims of loneliness. Additionally, their chances of dying are also 10% higher than other people. For your information, let us clarify that this study was carried out on people under 54 years old. Based on the data of 5 lakh people collected in the UK Bio Bank, people who participated in this research for 17 years were included. First of all, premature death and neuroticism were studied in this research.

According to researcher Antonio Terracciano, humans often face the problem of loneliness. These may be neurotic symptoms. According to research, people who feared being alone die prematurely. In addition, they are at very high risk of death.

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Many such symptoms appear on the body due to loneliness.

Irritability due to loneliness. Symptoms like fear and sadness are often considered the first symptoms. Loneliness increases the risk of premature death. Researchers have found that loneliness eliminates the tendency to commit suicide. Not only that, but it also affects the digestive system a lot.

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The number of people who died during the investigation was 43,000, while 291 people committed suicide due to guilt, tension and stress. Research has also revealed that continuous negative thoughts in the mind can be the root cause of many illnesses.

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Also read: Around 88% of people in the country are victims of anxiety, if you are also one of them, do this thing.

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