People with mental health conditions lack opportunities even as firms try to embrace inclusivity

To promote self-care and empathy, the tea bar offers counseling sessions to help employees better understand and support each other.

Mr. Low Kok Wah, a deaf leader in Hush TeaBar’s engagement and experience department, told CNA in sign language that the sessions helped hard-of-hearing colleagues and those suffering from mental health issues see similarities through their differences.

“I felt more aware of their mental health and began to show them my support, even though the road ahead is difficult due to their mental health conditions, as it is for me, a deaf person.” Mr. Low signed.


With mental well-being is increasingly seen as essential by retain employees and increase productivitymore companies are introducing wellness policies, said Ms. Jaya Dass, managing director of permanent recruitment in Asia Pacific at recruitment company Randstad.

“Companies are making provisions in the workplace to take a more holistic approach to what it means to employ a person,” he said. “To keep (people) engaged and employed and producing wealth for a longer period of time means that (they) take active care in (their) personal lives.”

For example, Otsuka Pharmaceutical, whose products include the Pocari Sweat sports drink, has made working from the office optional for its employees in Singapore and holds weekly engagement sessions for team leaders to check employee morale.

But despite more companies making an effort, only two in five workers in Singapore feel their employers provide adequate support for mental wellbeing, according to a recent study by the National Council for Social Services.

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A lack of understanding of what employees really need is likely the reason workers don’t resonate with the benefits provided, Ms. Dass said. She recommended hiring professional advisors to address the gap.

“I think the first thing a company needs to do is maybe get an outside-in approach, where they get consultants or support to basically point out and help them redesign the benefits that they offer people and what’s really required for the mental health support. Mrs. Dass said.

“It all starts with an education and an understanding of what they’re dealing with and how it affects employees on a day-to-day basis and the people around them.”


Gradually, more companies are making greater efforts to embrace inclusion and diversity in their policy making and processes for hiring people with different needs, Ms. Dass said.

People with mental health issues sometimes find interactions difficult, but many of them are equipped with the skills to contribute in the workplace, said Dr. Geraldine Tan, senior psychologist at The Therapy Room.

“With human relationships or social relationships, they find it a little more difficult. But with a lot of understanding of the environment, they flourish, they can contribute because they have the ability and the skills,” said Dr. Tan.

He added that he hopes to see the stigma surrounding mental health fade and become a condition that employers and workplaces accommodate in Singapore.

“Imagine if we are able to give them that space and nurture them in our environment or in the work environment,” he said. “The amount of work that they can contribute or the level that they can contribute will bring much more benefits to society and to organizations,” she said.

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