Physical Activity Can Improve Teens’ Mental Health – InsideSources

As the nation begins to brace for another surge of COVID in the fall, one of the most concerning lingering consequences of the past two years is the negative impact on adolescent mental health. Almost half of Generation Z (46 percent) confirm that their mental health worsened during the pandemic, according to a survey by the American Psychological Association. In fact, isolation, increased screen time, and sedentary lifestyles had a negative impact on many Americans, but none more so than teenagers. However, studies show that physical activity can reduce anxiety and stress and improve mood. In fact, 9 out of 10 teens agree that regular physical activity improves your overall mental health.

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, only 15 percent of middle and high school age children met the recommended hour of physical activity per day during the past two years. An acute adolescent mental health crisis is now challenging parents, school administrators, and health professionals across the county.

One company is fighting this problem head-on. The Planet Fitness High School Summer Pass gives teens (ages 14-19) access to top-tier fitness equipment at more than 2,200 locations nationwide at no cost all summer long. A recent survey by Planet Fitness showed that 88 percent of teen participants felt their overall mood improved after exercise and that free access to Planet Fitness facilities helped reduce their reliance on phones. This unique opportunity allows young people to work not only on their physical health, but also on their self-esteem, and eight out of 10 participants reported an increase in confidence and happiness after enrolling in High School Summer Pass.

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One teen in the program, Isabella L. from Texas, said, “I am so grateful that Planet Fitness is offering this program for teens. Many teens in the area can’t afford a gym membership. This is also a perfect way to get a lot of bored teens out of the house while boosting our health and confidence. Personally, being able to go to the gym has given me something to look forward to during the week and has lifted my spirits.”

Parents are also seeing the benefits with one parent saying: “[The program] it gives my son a sense of belonging and accomplishment. He really looks forward to our visits to the gym. This has fueled his interest in healthy living and better eating habits. He has even used his time online researching workouts and diets instead of playing online games.”

And Megan L., a Colorado mom, said, “It’s been so refreshing that Planet Fitness genuinely cares about the mental and physical health of teens. As a father who has battled depression and anxiety his entire life, I have always encouraged staying active as it has literally saved my life. My son and his friends make a special effort to visit the gym at least three times a week. I have seen extremely positive growth in my son.”

With such positive results, it’s no surprise that most parents report that their own mental health has improved due to their teens’ increased physical activity. It’s clear that gyms play a critical role in our nation’s health care system and targeted programs, like Planet Fitness’s High School Summer Pass, and ongoing COVID sanitization efforts can be important tools in fight against the health consequences of COVID-19. 19

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