Pimples appear on the face for a long time, they are not cured with home remedies, so could this be the problem?

If pimples appear on your face for a long time and are not cured by home remedies, it may be a hormonal problem. This problem is caused by a deficiency or excess of certain hormones. Due to hormonal changes, the production of sebum in the skin increases, which leads to clogged pores and the appearance of pimples. Let us know which hormone is responsible for the appearance of pimples on the face and how it happens.

Androgen hormone
Pimples appear on the face due to excess androgen hormone. This hormone increases the production of sebum in the skin, which clogs the pores. Bacteria begin to grow in the clogged pores, causing infection and inflammation. Due to this, rashes and pimples appear on the face. Due to the increase in the amount of androgens, the skin becomes oilier, which becomes the main cause of pimples.

Insulin hormone
High levels of the hormone insulin can also cause pimples. Due to excess insulin, the amount of androgen hormone increases in the body. Excess androgens increase the production of sebum in the skin, which causes clogged pores and pimples. Due to this, the skin becomes oily and breakouts appear. Therefore, it is important to maintain insulin balance.

Estrogen and progesterone hormones
Estrogen and progesterone hormone levels change during a woman’s period. A deficiency or excess of these hormones can cause breakouts on the face. Due to hormonal changes, the production of sebum in the skin increases, which leads to clogged pores and the appearance of pimples. For this reason, women may experience more breakouts and skin problems during their periods. It is important to maintain hormonal balance.

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Do you know what to do?

  • Consult a doctor: Consult a doctor in case of hormonal imbalance and get appropriate treatment.
  • Balanced diet: Eat nutritious foods and avoid junk food.
  • Skin care: Use gentle foods and natural products and keep your face clean.
  • Reduce stress: do yoga, meditation and get enough sleep.
  • With these measures, you can get rid of pimples caused by hormonal imbalance and make the skin healthy.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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