Pineapple Health Benefits: 5 Reasons Why This Tropical Fruit Should Be In Your Diet

Pineapple Benefits: Sometimes we like to eat fruits, but we are not aware of the great health benefits.

Pineapple Health Benefits: 5 Reasons Why This Tropical Fruit Should Be In Your Diet

Pineapple Benefits: Pine in the form of green tufts and prickly to the touch -Pineapples- are tropical fruits. These can trace their origin to South America, where their pine cone-like shape gave them the nickname. The sweet and sour, juicy yellow fruit is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, and much more. This fruit has great health benefits that most of us are unaware of. Also known as Annans Comosus, pineapple can be served in different dishes, from breakfast to desserts.

Pineapple Health Benefits:

  1. It can help in digestion: It is a great source of fiber and supports gut health. Pineapple enzymes are known as bromelain that help in the digestion process.
  2. It can help with wounds: While more research is still required, some studies seem to suggest that bromelain has certain anti-inflammatory properties that can help after an injury with swelling or whatever.
  3. Immunity booster: Pineapple has apparently been used medicinally for centuries. Contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants that help improve the immune system and reduce inflammation.
  4. Might Ease Arthritis: Bromelain enzymes help fight pain and swelling and are said to be a good dietary supplement for arthritis. The anti-inflammatory properties might help ease the pain a bit.
  5. It can reduce cancer: According to a Healthline report, pineapple compounds have the potential to reduce cancer risk by reducing oxidative stress.
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Thus, pineapple is a tropical fruit that can be consumed in the form of cut fruits or juice or sometimes used in desserts as well. However, some people tend to have an allergy to the fruit. Therefore, it is important to monitor if you have any problems after consuming it.

If not, add this yellow colored fruit to your diet now!

Release Date: Mar 18, 2023 2:45pm IST

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