Prince Harry, Serena Williams Talk Bettering Their Mental Health In Candid Conversation, ‘It Starts Internal’

For jamie saman.

8 hours ago

Prince Harry, Serena Williams and BetterUp CEO Alexi Robichaux participated in the inaugural Inner Work conference.

The three discussed the importance of working on oneself to prevent burnout and improve mental health.

Prince Harry urged why people should take time for themselves, using himself as an example of how to burnout.

Harry said he was “burning the candle at both ends” and was forced to look inside. The “inside work” was the only way to gain control.

Williams, as a high-performance athlete, was “pulled in so many different directions.”

“I’m super strategic, I take my time,” she explained.

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“What is really important is to focus on myself and my time. Boundaries are so important to have. If you don’t have limits, you’re not going to achieve what you can do,” Williams continued.

The professional tennis player gave advice on how to set limits.

“Don’t send emails at 11 p.m.,” Williams advised. “You will burn.”

Harry agreed with Williams on setting boundaries and knowing what he can take on: “It starts at home, it starts internally.”

She also shared how her day is going and how she fits in the time for self-reflection.

When “one of the children has gone to school, the other is taking a nap”, Prince Harry said he will dedicate 30 to 45 minutes to “take the dog for a walk” or meditate.

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Elsewhere in the conversation, Harry and Williams discussed maintaining good mental health even when times get tough, like losses on the tennis court.

“When it comes to losing, I hate that word, I want to coin it as a growth experience,” Williams said. “As much as I hate it, I’ve learned a lot.”

“Losses are important, learn from them,” he added.

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Realizing they were rambling, Williams and Harry apologized, “Sorry, we can talk for hours.”

“Harry is always solving all my problems,” Williams said of Harry’s improvement through BetterUp. “You’re always figuring it out for me.”

Harry credited Williams for doing the work herself, but joked that she should be on the BetterUp coaching board.

“I don’t have it figured out, Serena doesn’t have it figured out, none of us do. Life is about discovering,” Harry concluded, noting that one of the best things he has learned to do is “turn a negative into a positive.” It “feels like a superpower.”

“It’s work, but of all the work we do…it’s the most rewarding,” Harry said. “Besides being a dad!”

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