Psoriasis Skincare: 5 Ways to Manage This Skin Condition in Summer

Summers can be even harsher and skin care is always important. Here are five ways to manage this autoimmune condition during the summer.

5 ways to control psoriasis

1. Keep skin hydrated

Consuming large amounts of water and fluids is vital. Especially in summer, dehydration can make psoriasis symptoms worse. People may experience increased itching, dryness, rash, etc.

2.Sun protection

Exposure to sunlight can exacerbate psoriasis. So wear long-sleeved clothing, scarves, hats, and sunglasses to cover yourself when you venture outside. Also, after consulting the doctor, apply sunscreen with SPF.

3. Keep your skin hydrated

Moisturizers keep skin soft, smooth, and supple. It also helps calm breakouts.

4. Avoid Psoriasis Triggers

Smoking, alcohol, and stress can also increase psoriasis symptoms. Therefore, control your lifestyle as well.

5. A healthy diet is the golden rule

A healthy and balanced diet is the key to any health related problem. Helps boost immunity and reduce inflammation. Therefore, include green vegetables, fruits, proteins and vitamins in your food.

Apart from these, try to keep a cool temperature at home. It will help keep the rash bud in place in wet weather. Also, shower regularly to condition your body.

Summer can be tough. Sweat, heat, and humidity can trigger symptoms. Therefore, a combination of lifestyle changes, skin care routines, and combined dietary practices can help manage psoriasis.

Also, this is general information and does not replace the advice of any physician. Seek professional help in case the symptoms become severe.

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