PT’s easy hacks help you get toned bum and tum – including simple ab workout

Many people may be trying to stick to their fitness goals after going a bit overboard during the holiday season.

And luckily for them, a personal trainer and fitness expert. ryan hodgson has shared some helpful tips to keep you on track.

The exercise and nutrition tips that also help you achieve a toned butt and tummy that will be the envy of everyone around you.

So check them out and get toned today!

1. Keep abdominal work simple

If you search online, you will find thousands of abdominal exercises. However, Ryan said that simple exercises performed well and consistently will yield the best results.

Sit-ups, leg raises, and Russian twists are the trainer’s three favorite abdominal exercises.

2. Correct your posture

Working on your posture can really help your waist appear smaller.
(Image: Getty Images / Caiaimage)

Ryan says, “Working on your posture can really help your waist appear smaller.

“We are often slightly rounded forward at the shoulders, which can push our midsection outward.

“Integrate some upper back and rear shoulder work into your routine along with regular core engagement exercises to tone your tummy.”

3. Squat like your butt depends on it

There are many different squats, but start with a basic squat and a sumo squat (wider stance) and you’ll build well-shaped glutes, according to Ryan.

He says, “Don’t be fooled by the swag band workouts you see on social media.

“They can help, but there is no replacement for squats when it comes to building booty.”

  I tried Kim Kardashian’s glute workout — and wow

4. Eat well

Buddha bowl of baked vegetables, avocado, tofu and buckwheat
If you don’t have the correct nutrition, you will never burn fat and maintain muscle.
(Image: Getty Images / iStockphoto)

Ryan says this is usually the most difficult and boring step, yet the muscle is below the body fat.

He comments, “You can do all the exercises correctly, but if you don’t have the right nutrition, you will never burn fat or maintain muscle.

“Create a small calorie deficit (too much you will lose muscle) and eat a lot of protein.”

5. Get out on the street

Don’t just hit a gym, Ryan says it’s important to get out there and make activity a part of your lifestyle.

He said this will help maintain calorie expenditure as much as possible, which then contributes to a calorie deficit to help with the loss of body fat.

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