Pump Up Your Biceps Peaks With the Incline Curl

If done correctly, the incline bicep curl can add another layer of awesomeness to your arm workout. However, if you do the exercise incorrectly, your shoulders may never forgive you.

This understated curl will test your biceps in a whole new way by placing them in a unique stretch position, which will recruit more muscle fibers as you get a bigger contraction at the top of each rep, like men’s health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, CSCSand fitness editor Brett Williams, NASM Demonstrate in the latest Form Check video.

Since you’re working in a different position than other lifts, it’s imperative that you get the technique right, the sooner the better. “Understanding how to do this is key, because if you don’t, you’re going to hurt your shoulders,” says Samuel. “We’ll show you how to do it right and really get that good bicep squeeze right now.”

How to Do Incline Dumbbell Curls the Right Way

Get the right angle of your bench

The setup for this curl variation begins by placing your elbows behind your torso. This will allow for a greater stretch of the biceps. What you don’t want, however, is a wild, out-of-control placement of the elbow behind the torso, which will pull the shoulder out of its natural position and lead to potential injury.

Fixing this is as easy as setting the line on your bench to around 60 degrees; anything lower can put undue strain on your shoulders and add very little additional benefit to your biceps. You will quickly notice in this position how the weight hangs naturally with just the right amount of stretch.

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“If you feel it in your shoulders, there’s a good chance you still have the bench too far back and your shoulders are under too much tension,” says Samuel.

keep your head up

Once you’re in the proper position, you still need to think about a few details before you start curling, and one of them is head position. She can lean her head against the bench, but Samuel suggests keeping her head up, which may be a bit more comfortable, especially for her thoracic spine.

From there, keep your shoulder blades tight and tight, squeezing them to create a little more room for your rotator cuff tendons to work. This will help keep your elbows from moving too far forward.

Elbows behind the torso, then curl

The final key to checking form is to make sure you maintain a perpendicular line from shoulder to elbow throughout the curl. Remember to keep your elbows behind your torso. Once you’re ready, the incline curl is simple: keep it nice and controlled, with no need to “pop” during the movement. “That way you can feel your biceps working,” says Samuel. “When you get to the top, try to get the most out of your biceps on every rep, because that’s what we’re working on and you’re going to get more out of it.”

Three sets of 10 to 12 reps work best for these. One last point to remember: As you curl up and fatigue sets in, fight the urge to bring your elbows forward. This is most likely to happen towards the end of the set. Staying in that curl for as long as possible is what will allow you to get the most out of it for your biceps.

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Want to master even more moves? check our entire Form Check series.

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