Rainy diseases will stay away, adopt these home remedies and important habits

Monsoon Immunity Boosting Tips: The weather conditions change drastically during monsoon. After the scorching heat, the rainy season brings relief, but even in this season due to humidity, heat and stickiness bothers, sometimes due to rain suddenly the weather becomes very cold. Is. Due to this many types of diseases spread in this season. Sometimes cold, cough and sometimes fever and flu. Also, the risk of stomach-related diseases remains at all times.

Keep your immunity strong so that you do not fall ill due to changing weather and infection. This immunity of yours can remain strong even with daily diet. For this, you should include these mentioned things in your daily diet and adopt some important habits…

first ginger tea

Ginger tea is beneficial in the rainy season as well as in the winter season. Ginger has a warming effect and is rich in antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to this, along with bacteria, viruses, it keeps problems like cold and flu away from you.

Turmeric milk
as such Monsoon It is forbidden to drink milk, but you can consume it by mixing it with turmeric. Milk containing turmeric works to increase immunity and strengthen the body from inside.

Consumption of liquorice
Mulethi is an Ayurvedic medicine. It works to increase immunity and keep digestion right. It also protects the body against infectious diseases like cold and cough. You can consume liquorice powder with milk every day before sleeping at night. Consult a doctor for the quantity to be taken as its quantity may vary according to your age and health.

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adopt these habits

  • gargle
  • take a steam
  • drink warm water once a day
  • Do running, walk and rope jumping
  • do yoga

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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