Rebel Wilson’s ‘simple to follow’ fat-burning diet plan with daily walks behind 5.5st loss

Rebel Wilson, 41, lost more than five stones after her “Year of Health.” The actress took advantage of the walk and a healthy diet to lose weight.

She told fans: “An Austrian doctor said ‘Rebel, the best way to lose unwanted body fat is just to walk.

“’It doesn’t have to be high intensity, it doesn’t have to be uphill, just a moderate walk an hour a day.

“‘And if you can do that, for you, for your body type, it’s, like, the best way to lose unwanted body fat.'”

The actress is said to have followed the Mayr Method diet plan and focused on adding more vegetables and sometimes indulging in sweets.

Fitness expert and founder of CrockFit alex crockford analyzed Rebel’s weight loss methods.

He told “The diet is good because the foods suggested to eat and avoid are what we might traditionally think of as a healthy approach.

“Eat fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds, herbs and spices, etc., avoiding sugar, processed foods, dairy and soft drinks.

“This makes this diet quite simple to follow and apply, which then increases adherence, which ultimately makes the diet successful.”

Speaking about the Mayr Method, Alex explained: “The goal of this diet is to improve gut health, which promotes weight loss and health.

“This may be true, however, it is very likely that someone on this diet will experience weight loss due to the reduced calorie intake and controlled diet, compared to their previous eating habits.”

Alex advocates for mindful eating, a practice recommended by the plan.

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He said: “The mindful eating diet suggestion is also excellent: chewing your food for longer and also limiting distractions is a way to increase gratitude for food, enjoyment and satisfaction in the moment, promoting stopping when you are full and of course the digestive benefits of breaking down food as well.

“Everyone’s weight loss journey is very personal, so restricting some food groups may be a good approach for some, but may not be the best mental and emotional approach for others, where restriction can lead to negative eating habits.” long-term.

“However, it seems that Rebel’s approach is really well balanced with keeping diet as her mainstay while indulging in things she likes from time to time, like ice cream and chocolate, to keep it going. In my opinion, this It’s true for any diet.”

Walking formed a large part of Rebel’s fitness check. The actress claims to walk an hour a day to stay active.

Alex said: “Rebel increased his walking to 60 minutes per day, which is a great way to increase his calorie burn to create the calorie deficit needed to burn fat.

“I would also suggest adding forms of resistance training, such as bodyweight exercises at home or lifting weights, to build muscle and further enhance fat loss while shaping the body with muscle tone.”

Lastly, Alex praised the Australian actress for speaking out about her emotional eating.

He told “I love your feedback on your emotional eating lessons and how you have managed to process your emotions better and become healthier because of it.

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“This is great inspiration for anyone looking to improve their relationship with food.”


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