Rest and your heart health

Thursday, 1 September 2022, 17:32

Spanish Sleep Society It has long been recognized that insomnia is the most common sleep disorder, and it is more frequent among women. We know that rest is essential for our health, to the point that sleeping poorly can cause major disorders, among which we are going to focus on our cardiovascular health, and how a good rest considerably improves our quality of life.

Healthy lifestyles: the importance of rest

A modern healthy lifestyle adapted to today’s lifestyle should be based on three pillars: nutrition, physical activity and rest.

To substantially prevent disturbed and interrupted sleep, the
heart foundation recommends taking hygienic and dietary measures:

– Follow a regular routine in your daily activities. Especially regarding your usual bedtime.

– Exercise, but avoid doing it close to bedtime.

– Avoid foods and drinks that contain a lot of sugar and/or caffeine.

– Avoid alcohol before bed.

– Avoid copious dinners.

The rest and the health of our heart

Specialists from all over the world, such as
Chiron Health, confirm “the direct impact of our sleep habits on the health of our heart.” As they explain in their CardioBlog, “sleeping less than 7 hours a night is associated with a higher probability of developing heart problems.” the
European Association for Preventive Cardiology confirms in several studies that people who lead a healthy lifestyle and sleep a minimum of 7 hours a night reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 65%.

How to enjoy a healthy rest

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Healthy rest allows us to recover our physical and mental functions, which is why there are companies in the rest sector that have long defended the need to invest in quality rest that allows us to sleep peacefully and soundly.

This is the case of the
MyMattress chain of stores, which has in fact registered the terms
Colchonology and Colchonologists refer to a business culture based on personalized and healthy advice, adapted to each person and even to each back problem or ailment. MiColchón recommends mattresses designed to eliminate pressure points and improve blood circulation. Malaga is a pioneer in the development of this type of rest products, with the signature

Nowadays there are also sofas and armchairs with the so-called “Heart Relief” system, and this type of healthy product can also be bought in Andalusia in centers such as
Nessen-Interiors, who specialize in quality products. The “Heart Relief” system is a position that raises the legs above the heart and thus also promotes blood circulation.

Do you want more tips and tricks to improve your quality of life and your rest? in your MiColchón Stores: in Malaga, Benalmádena, Fuengirola, Marbella, Vélez Málaga, Torre del Mar, and in Granada on the Costa Tropical (Motril).

Rest telephone number: 951 555 155. [email protected]


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