ROADTEST: ‘A celebrity trainer put me through a Navy SEAL style workout. Here’s how it went.’

After warming up, it was time to go straight to training.

There were stations dotted around the room and once we completed one, we moved on to the next available station.

I started with box jumps; 50 of them. My legs wobbled, fast.

She then moved on to 50 kettlebell swings, 50 dumbbell rows, and my least favorite: the SkiErg.

In the 45 minutes I completed six rounds, that was around the average mark.

We all collapsed on the floor.

But then came that feeling of euphoria: the rush of endorphins, that smug feeling you get after working out.

I couldn’t have loved him more.

Sweaty but cocky. Image: Supplied.

Don’t get me wrong, training was tough. Really difficult.

But it reminded me of the best part of group fitness: everyone is suffering together.

Yes, it’s going to be difficult, but with others around you it pushes you to push yourself harder than you would alone. And you can’t get over that feeling when it’s over.

At the end of the session, I walked over to Jono and thanked him.

It was exactly what I needed to get out of this rut.

I would do it again? Not just weekly, but yes. It was as difficult as it was rewarding.

Now it’s time to get back in the gym…

You can see The Terminal List exclusively on Prime Video now.

Featured Image: Supplied.

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