Seematti’s founder Beena Kannan reveals her fitness and beauty secrets

At 61, businesswoman Beena Kannan is not only known for her incredibly successful business empire, but also for her infectious energy and amazing looks. Beena is a fitness enthusiast who follows a healthy diet and does regular exercise and yoga to stay fit and energetic.

First dietary experience
I started to gain weight after the birth of my third baby. I had a premature birth. I used to drink soup twice a day to lose body weight. Instead of rice, I had two chapathis for lunch. My dinner consisted mainly of soups and vegetables. So, I lost a significant amount of weight in just two weeks. That was my first experience with a diet. One should always try to choose a diet that suits one’s body and preferences. You need enough carbohydrates to supplement your daily activities. We get it from our regular meals. We are half won if we control the intake of carbohydrates.

Say no’
I totally avoid sugar and carbohydrates. Foods such as pizza, hamburgers, and noodles made from all-purpose flour should be avoided. Instead of junk food and fast food, try eating healthy food freshly cooked at home. You could have a little sugar once or twice a week. It is better to avoid adding sugar in tea and coffee. It is natural for us to crave the food we avoid. So you could have a little bit of the items you avoid, just to sate your mind.

Diet changes
He had followed a vegetarian diet for 58 years. I started eating non-vegetarian dishes after that. Now I eat chicken, egg and shrimp. Before, I used to have carbohydrate-rich meals three or four times a day. There would be idli and banana for breakfast while I had vegetables and rice for lunch. I would have grits upma with my afternoon tea and dosa and bananas for dinner. However, I cut back to just one meal after I turned 61. Now, I usually have a heavy dinner that contains all the nutrients that are essential. I have a high-protein Greek yogurt. I am ready to eat or avoid any food to maintain health and fitness.

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energy secret
I have high energy levels as I like to try new things all the time. I’ll be sad if I can’t find anything new to do. I make sure I keep doing something new for the good of my business, for myself or for others.

Beauty tips
I used to visit beauty salons before the Covid 19 outbreak. I liked fruit facials. However, now I don’t go to salons as my skin doesn’t need those treatments anymore. I use creams as part of my nighttime skincare routine. I understood that there is no need to oil your hair if you follow a healthy diet. I haven’t oiled my head in the last 30 or 40 years. Instead of soap, I use mung bean powder to wash my body.

health checks
I do routine blood tests once a year. In addition, I plan my diet following the advice of my doctor.


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