Sex And Cardiac Arrest: Experts Reveal if Sexual Activity Has Any Connection With Heart Diseases

It is unfortunate but the fact is that heart attack is claiming the lives of more young people nowadays than ever before. This worrying trend is hard to ignore because a heart attack was primarily a problem faced by the older generation a few years ago. It was a disease that rarely affects anyone under the age of 40 – now, one in five patients with a heart attack is under the age of 40!Also read – You should do 5 yoga asanas this monsoon to boost your immune system

Add to that the fact that it is now more common to suffer from a heart attack in your 20s or early 30s. A shocking incident where a man from Nagpur recently died of cardiac arrest while having sex with his partner has raised serious concerns and questions in the society about the interrelationship between heart attack and sex. Also read – Health Benefits of Pineapple: Reasons Why You Should Add Pineapple to Your Diet – Watch the video

Ajay Parteki, a 28-year-old man, died of cardiac arrest while having sex with his girlfriend at the lodge. He was a driver and welding technician by profession. Patrekui had been suffering from fever for the last few days. However, police have not yet found any evidence of drug use or drug use. Also read – Benefits of Makhana: Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Add Makhana / Fox Almonds to Your Diet – Watch Video

This incident has raised the alarm button in the society, especially among the youth and to answer all the questions related to this issue. Dr. Abhinit Gupta Regency Hospital raised unanswered questions.

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Is Sex a Risk Factor for a Heart Attack?

Dr. Gupta said, “Sex or physical intimacy is a natural action, a kind of aerobic physical activity. For individuals with a healthy heart and the general population in general, it is not a risk factor for a heart attack. “

Is sex dangerous for people with heart problems?

“Sexual activity raises your heart rate,” the cardiologist said. However, people with a stable heart condition should not worry about it.

“If you can climb stairs or jog or walk a mile without difficulty, it’s safe for you to have sex. The long-term benefits of regular physical activity – including sex – outweigh the risks, ”Dr. Gupta assured.

However, the cardiologist warned that “if someone has chest pain, shortness of breath or irregular heartbeat, they should avoid any heavy physical exertion, including sex.”

In addition, “If a person is taking medications due to heart problems, he should always consult with the treating doctor before taking any over-the-counter pills for erectile dysfunction, as taking them in combination with some cardiac medications can lower your blood pressure dangerously.” Maybe, Dr. Gupta concluded.

What is the rate of heart attack during sex?

Dr. According to Gupta, “The chances of having a heart attack during sexual activity are very low. For every 10,000 people who have sex once a week, only 2 to 3 will experience a heart attack.

Furthermore, the doctor said that although “sexual intercourse increases your heart’s demand for oxygen and raises your heart rate and blood pressure at the same level compared to climbing two flights of stairs, as long as a person is stable and symptom-free on medication.” It is not worrying, after consulting a doctor.

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Are there any heart benefits of sex?

Dr. In Gupta’s words, “you should not be afraid of sexual activity” because “sex can benefit your heart health.”

“Men who have sex at least twice a week and women who report a satisfying sex life are less likely to have a heart attack,” said Dr. Gupta confirmed.

Talking about the protective benefits of sex, he shared, “Sex is a form of exercise and helps strengthen your heart, lower your blood pressure, reduce stress and improve sleep. In addition, intimacy in a relationship can increase bonding which can alleviate depression and anxiety and increase self-confidence, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

However, there is a word of caution here. Be aware of these common symptoms of a heart attack, and don’t delay booking an appointment with a doctor if something you are currently experiencing matches.

  1. Chest pain
  2. Shortness of breath
  3. Pain in hands, neck and shoulders
  4. Nausea
  5. Sweating profusely
  6. Dizziness
  7. Fatigue

(Inputs by ANI)


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