Shampoo, oil and hair mask are not enough, do these things for healthy hair

Hair Care Tips: In order to make hair beautiful, thick, healthy and long, all people make many different efforts. If someone does shampooing and oiling regularly, then he applies a hair mask thrice a week. All these methods are good and necessary. If you are the owner or mistress of long hair, then you have to take care of something else as well. Such a thing that is associated only with long hair.

Nowadays both boys and girls have long hair. Whenever you have to tie these hairs in case of heat or need, always have a hair rubber band in your bag for this. Some people like to wear this band on the wrist as well, according to them it looks very cool. However, this should not be done because it harms your blood circulation and muscle health. What are the disadvantages of wearing it, Learn by clicking here. Today we have brought you the issues related to the hygiene of hair rubber bands, which most of the women and men with long hair do not pay attention to.

The rubber band becomes the home of bacteria
The rubber band that you keep in your bag, sometimes in your pocket and sometimes in your wrist to put on your hair, actually becomes a home of harmful bacteria. Because it absorbs the bacteria present in the environment throughout the day. Apart from these, it works to absorb many things like oil in the hair, sebum coming out of the hair roots, fine dandruff accumulated in the scalp. This is the reason that the growth of harmful germs and bacteria in this rubber band of yours happens very fast.

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These diseases can cause your rubber band

  • skin infection
  • pimples
  • acne
  • respiratory problems
  • throat infection

In how many days do you wash rubber bands?

  • You will be surprised to know but you need to wash your hair tie every day in the same way as you wash your under garments.
  • As long as your hair band does not come in contact with your skin, it is not harmful for you. But it is not possible that it does not come in touch with your skin. Because while tying and untying your hair, you will touch them, will you not?
  • When hair ties or hair bands are full of germs and you fall asleep wearing them, they come in contact with your pillow and your pillow comes in contact with your cheeks, nose and mouth… full chance of bacteria And you get time to attack your body.

how to clean rubber bands

  • You can clean your rubber bands by washing them with soap while bathing.
  • If you wash clothes every day, you can put the rubberband gecko in the washing machine and wash it with the clothes. But this situation is applicable when you wash your rubberband every day. Do not wash dirty rubberbands with clothes.
  • Another way to clean rubber bands every day is to soak the rubber bands in a mug of shampoo or liquid detergent and soak them for some time. Then wash in normal water.

Disclaimer: The methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article are to be taken only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before following any such treatment/medication/diet, please consult a doctor.

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