Sheppard Pratt acquires Anne Arundel mental health organization | Maryland Daily Record

Sheppard Pratt recently acquired Omni House Inc. (OHI), an organization that provides mental health, psychiatric rehabilitation, and residential services for mentally ill adults in Anne Arundel County.

Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

The acquisition will ensure the continuation of quality behavioral health care and services for the Anne Arundel community. Current Omni House programs, services and locations will remain under Sheppard Pratt.

The acquisition continues Sheppard Pratt’s investment throughout Maryland. As the nation’s largest private, not-for-profit mental health services provider, Sheppard Pratt offers access to a variety of levels of care, programs and expertise that provide comprehensive care and treatment options.

Omni House joins Sheppard Pratt’s more than 160 programs at 380 service sites in Maryland and West Virginia.

Since its founding in 1853, Sheppard Pratt has been innovating the field through research, implementation of best practices, and a focus on improving the quality of mental health care worldwide. Sheppard Pratt has been consistently ranked as one of the nation’s top psychiatric hospitals by US News & World Report for more than 30 years.

Lois Miller founded Omni House more than 40 years ago with a vision to provide psychiatric and rehabilitative services for adults with mental illness and co-occurring disorders. OHI is one of the largest providers of mental health services in Anne Arundel County, serving the needs of nearly 1,000 active members.

Omni House’s comprehensive programs and services enable people with mental illness to live in the community as productive citizens with greater freedom, privacy and dignity.

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