Siânnise Fudge opens up about mental health disorder

Siânnise Fudge says she suffers from a mental health disorder and has shared tips on how to cope.

previous island of love The star opened up about her mental health on an Instagram live with beauty brand Mylee tonight (Monday, January 17) to mark blue monday.

The beauty guru, who has just signed a deal with Kim Kardashian’s Skims brand, admitted that he suffered a lot from anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic and still feeling anxious sometimes now.

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She told her 1.7 million Instagram followers: “I suffered from anxiety during the pandemic.

“It was a big change in life for me. I moved out of town, which was really hard because I’m a homebody.

“I was very anxious.”

Siânnise moved out of her family’s home in Bristol to a flat in south west London in 2020 with then-boyfriend Luke Trotman, whom she met on Love Island.

The couple reportedly since they broke up after reaching the final of the ITV show.

Siânnise returned to Bristol to live with her family after the breakup, but has since moved back to London in a brand new apartment.

Siânnise Fudge in her new London apartment
(Image: SiânniseFudge//Instagram)

He said he feels better and has shared tips on how to overcome anxiety.

Speaking on the Instagram stream, he said: “I’m in a better place. I have learned to deal with it.

“It comes with time, it’s what really works for you.”

He continued, “It’s just about taking time and doing something that relaxes you.

  Mental health in the digital era

“If I feel quite anxious I take a hot shower, it really calms me down.

“I also do breathing exercises. I have an app on my phone with sounds. I love the sound of rain on the window and on the leaves.

“It’s just little things like that. It’s about finding your coping mechanism and what works for you.”

Siânnise has previously opened up about being bullied online.

This month, the 27-year-old hit back at an embarrassing body that called her “skin and bone” in an Instagram post.

She told her Instagram followers that she receives similar messages every day, but that she is happy and healthy.

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