Signs of having “Toxic Positivity”

Forcing yourself to stay positive all the time or invalidating your own or others’ negative emotions are signs of toxic positivity.

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Positivity is necessary during many situations in our lives. But one must know the difference between positivity and toxic positivity. If you force yourself to stay positive all the time, even if you don’t feel like it, you may have gone too far. Toxic positivity is all fun and games until it’s not. If you continue to suppress your negative emotions by not allowing yourself to feel them, then you will only cause more anguish and sadness. The term “toxic positivity” was first coined by psychiatrist Gayani DeSilva. She called it “an insincere positivity” that causes harm, unnecessary suffering or misunderstanding.

Here are the signs that you might be suffering from toxic positivity:

You feel guilty about getting upset or upset.
With so many quotes of toxic positivity floating around social media these days, your mind has been conditioned to believe that feeling down is wrong or abnormal. Some may even believe that it is a sign of weakness if you feel sad about something. Well, as human beings, we are allowed to feel all kinds of emotions. So if you feel guilty about being sad or angry, then you could be suffering from toxic positivity.

You scold people who are not positive.
People going through a serious tragedy, or a mental illness such as depression, can find it almost impossible to be affected by any motivational or positive speech. It is not their fault that they cannot feel happiness at a certain moment. So instead of scolding them for their lack of positivity, you can try to solve their problem or suggest professional help if they are experiencing mental issues.

You hide your true feelings.
If you have started to hide your true feelings from loved ones and friends, then it is a sign of toxic positivity. Not opening up about how you feel will only cause more damage to your mental health.

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You invalidate the emotions of others.
If you often find yourself saying phrases like “it could be worse” to your friends or family when they’re feeling down, then you’re probably suffering from toxic positivity. It is true that there may be people who are in worse situations than they are, but it does not mean that you should invalidate anyone’s feelings.

You discard all feelings that are negative.
According to a study from the University of Texas, when people try to avoid feeling their negative emotions, those suppressed emotions become stronger over time. This can cause great damage to your mind and body.

Your negative emotions can explode and manifest in various ways. For example, people may end up becoming alcoholics or drug addicts or stop paying attention to their diet or work-life balance.

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