Signs You Have a Blood Clot and Don’t Even Know it — Eat This Not That

A blood clot can save the day when you cut yourself because it prevents you from bleeding too much, but blood clots can also become life-threatening if they don’t dissolve. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Up to 100,000 people die from blood clots each year” and “they are one of the leading causes of death in people with cancer after cancer itself.” Anyone is at risk for a blood clot and knowing the signs could save your life. Eat this, not that! Health spoke with Sean Marchese, MS, RN, a registered nurse at The Mesothelioma Center with experience in oncology clinical trials and over 20 years of direct patient care experience who shares what you need to know about blood clots and the symptoms to watch out for. Read on and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure signs you’ve already had COVID.

doctor checking heart with stethoscope

Marchese tells us: “Blood clots can be a silent killer, manifesting in many ways and leading to serious complications. Smoking, high blood pressure, and certain medications, such as estrogen, can contribute to an increased risk of blood clots. Knowing the symptoms of blood clots can save your life before it turns into a pulmonary embolism or stroke.”


Marchese explains, “Blood clots most commonly lodge in the legs and block oxygen to surrounding tissue. However, superficial or blood clots in areas without affected tissue can sometimes go unnoticed. Blood clots that do not produce symptoms are especially dangerous because, if left untreated, they can still lead to serious lung or brain complications.”

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Stressed unhappy woman touching forehead, suffering from strong headache or chronic migraineStressed unhappy woman touching forehead, suffering from strong headache or chronic migraine

“After moderate to high activity, you’re more likely to ignore fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath, or dizziness,” he says. marquis. “However, these symptoms should not be ignored if they persist and occur at rest or with light activity. A blood clot in the lungs is called a pulmonary embolism, and it blocks oxygen from getting into the blood. A pulmonary embolism can be fatal if not treated quickly.”

Swollen feetSwollen feet

According to Go away, “If you’re unsure of the signs of a blood clot, you may mistakenly attribute a swollen or discolored area of ​​skin to a recent injury or ignore a slight change in color or temperature in your leg. However, these are telltale signs of deep vein thrombosis, or a blood clot that has formed deep in the skin and is blocking blood to healthy tissue. If you experience sharp pain on one side, redness, swelling, or hot skin in a localized area, seek medical attention as soon as possible. A deep vein thrombosis can lead to pulmonary embolism or more serious problems, including gangrene.”

Young woman vomiting near sink in bathroom.Young woman vomiting near sink in bathroom.

Marchesa says: “A blood clot can become trapped in the brain in blood vessels narrowed by fatty deposits. They can also occur from head trauma or physical blows that cause a concussion. Because blood clots prevent oxygen-rich blood from reaching parts of the brain, you may feel dizzy, confused, or have problems with your vision or speech. Blood clots in the brain can cause a wide range of neurological problems, from general weakness to seizures. If you feel anything out of the ordinary, seek medical attention as soon as possible.” And to protect your life and that of others, do not visit any of these 35 places where you are most likely to get COVID.

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heather newgen

Heather Newgen has two decades of experience reporting and writing on health, fitness, entertainment and travel. Heather currently works as a freelancer for various publications. Read more about Heather

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