Simple Exercise Can Slow Memory Loss

New research suggests that even a simple exercise program could help older people with mild to mild memory problems.

Doctors have long advised patients to be physically active to help keep their brains healthy. But the US government-supported research marks the longest study on whether exercise makes any difference once memory begins to decline.

The study

The researchers found about 300 inactive older adults with memory changes called mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is a condition that sometimes comes before Alzheimer’s disease.

Half of older adults did aerobic exercises, and the rest did stretches and balance moves that got their heart rate up a bit.

People from both groups caught the attention of trainers who worked with them at youth organizing centers called YMCAs in the United States. When COVID-19 closed gymsthe trainers helped the study Participants keep moving at home by video calls.

After a year, tests of mental activity showed that neither group had worsened, said lead researcher Laura Baker of Wake Forest School of Medicine in North Carolina. Brain scans it didn’t show the shrinkage that often accompanies worsening memory problems, he said.

By comparison, similar MCI patients in another long-term study of brain health, but without exercise, experienced cognitive or mental decline over a year.

The first findings are surprising. But the National Institute on Aging cautioned that following people who didn’t exercise in the same study would have provided better evidence.

‘feasible for everyone’

The results suggest “this is doable for everyone,” not just older people healthy enough to sweat a lot, Baker said. She presented the data recently at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference. ”Exercise should be part of prevention strategies” for seniors at risk, he added.

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María Carrillo is the scientific director of the Alzheimer’s Association. She said previous research had found that regular physical activity of any kind could reduce harmful inflammation and increase blood flow to the brain.

He added that the new study is especially interesting because the COVID-19 pandemic began halfway through the study. That meant study participants became socially isolated or separated from others. Social isolation has long been known to increase a person’s risk of memory problems, Carrillo said.

Research difficulties

It’s a difficult time for dementia research. Doctors are not sure prescribing a new high-priced drug called Aduhelm. The drug is supposed to be the first to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s, but it’s not yet clear if it actually helps patients.

Last month, researchers reported that another drug that works in a similar way failed in a major study. also points amyloid plaques in the brain.

It is becoming increasingly urgent to find out whether exercise and other measures can offer at least some protection.

How much and what kind of exercise?

In Baker’s study, older people were supposed to move 30 to 45 minutes four times a week. It didn’t matter if it was exercise on the treadmill or stretching exercises.

Baker thinks the social connection with the trainers helped. Each participant completed more than 100 hours of exercise.

“We wouldn’t have done the exercise alone,” said Doug Maxwell of Verona, Wisconsin, who joined the study with his wife.

The husband and wife, both 81 years old, were assigned to the stretching classes. They felt so good afterward that when the study ended, they bought electric bikes in hopes of getting even more active.

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Baker suspects that exercise volume could explain why even simple stretching added up to better health. benefit. The participants were supposed to exercise without social support for an additional six months. Baker has not yet studied that data.

In addition to the recent study, Baker is leading an even larger study of older adults to see if adding exercise to other steps, such as a healthy diet, brain games and social activities, can lower dementia risk.

I am John Russell.

And I’m Ashley Thompson.

Lauran Neergaard reported this story for the Associated Press. John Russell adapted it for VOA Learning English.

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words in this story

aerobic –adj. strengthen the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes or more

gym (gym) -north. a building or room for exercise

participant -north. a person who is involved in an activity or study

scan -north. an image produced a special machine to see inside something like the human body

strategy -north. a long-term plan

dementia – north (doctor) a mental illness that makes someone unable to think clearly or understand what is real and what is not real

prescribe – v officially telling someone to use (a drug, therapy, diet, etc.) as a remedy or treatment

amyloid plaque – north misfolded proteins that form between nerve cells

benefit – north a good or useful result or effect


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