Sitting on the couch in the wrong way is ‘fatal’, this disease can arise in the body

Blood Clots: After coming from office or school, many people do the work of relieving fatigue on the sofa. There is no doubt that sofa makes you feel very comfortable. But most people do not know that sitting on the couch in the wrong way can have serious effects on your health. We are not saying this, but it has been disclosed in a study. According to a July 2020 study, researchers issued a warning revealing that a common way of sitting on the sofa could prove fatal. Many people like to sit cross legged on the sofa. Experts say that sitting cross legged on the sofa can lead to misalignment of the hips.

Writing about it in The Conversation, experts from Lancaster University’s Clinical Anatomy Learning Center have warned that it could lead to a dangerous trajectory in the body. This can change the speed at which blood moves through the vessels in the lower limbs. Therefore, it can cause the risk of blood clots.

What is blood clot?

If blood clots are not treated at the right time, then your life can be in danger because of them. Blood clots can break off and move around in the veins. Not only this, but they can also create the problem of blockage by accumulating at one place. If there is a blockage, it can stop the blood supply to the heart, brain, lungs and other vital organs. Because of this the body can stop working.

Sitting cross legged on the couch can increase the risk of blood clots. According to a previous study, sitting for hours and watching TV can also lead to the formation of blood clots in the body. If you are eating unhealthy things while sitting on the couch or sitting for hours, then you may also have to face the problem of obesity.

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Who is at risk of getting a blood clot?

Doctors say that blood clots can form in anyone at any time. However, some factors can make you more vulnerable, such as: –

1. to smoke

2. being overweight

3. Danger to a person who returned from the hospital after an operation

4. If you have had blood clots in the past then you are at risk

5. pregnancy

6. delivery of baby

7. using combined hormonal contraception, such as the patch or vaginal ring

8. rheumatoid arthritis

9. Crohn’s disease

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