Skip the Cardio and Incorporate These 4 Fat-Loss Exercises Into Your Routine

Strength training plays a small but vital role when it comes to fat loss. But don’t say that to all the people who go to the gym this new year thinking they will. overcome a bad diet. The king of fat loss is a caloric deficit. The the quantity and quality of what you eat is the most important thing.

When you train with fat loss in mind, your main focuses are nutrition and then training to support your fat loss. Retain muscle while trying build muscle and burn calories it should be your focus when training for fat loss. But none of this works if you don’t have a caloric deficit.

very good strength training exercises It will support you in building muscle and burning fat. But there are factors that make exercise more effective for losing fat. And here are those factors.

What Makes Exercise More Fat Loss Friendly?

When you train to lose fat, you need strength training exercises that meet one or more of the following criteria to be most effective.

  • Compound movements: In other words, exercises that train more than one muscle group. Examples of this are squats (quads, glutes, hamstrings, core) and rows (forearms, biceps, and back). The more muscles you have in play while you train, the better it is for burning calories and building muscle.
  • Up / down / down / up movements: One of the hardest physical things we do is get off the ground and get down on the ground. Up / Down / Down Up exercises are great for losing fat because they are compound, self-limiting movements (more on that later), and they will get your heart rate up. Some examples are Turkish outfits, squats, and push-ups.
  • Self-limiting movements: Exercises that have a starting and stopping point because one or more parts of the body will say enough. Self-limiting movements They are not like taking a leisurely walk or bike ride. These require your full attention and are great for losing fat because they are compound movements that will make you suck in air. Examples include squats, kettlebell swings, and farmer carries.
  • Standing: Sitting too much has been compared to smoking and this is a bit harsh. But here’s what we do know, too much sitting is bad for health and fat loss. This study by Carrie Schmitz states that if a person stood instead of sitting for an additional three hours a day, they could burn more than 30,000 calories (about 8 pounds). fat) over the course of a year. Standing while standing up trains your balance, core stability, and the small stabilizing muscles that keep you upright. This means more fat burning for you.
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The 4 best exercises to lose fat

With many exercises to choose from, here are four exercises that meet two or more of the above criteria, so you’ll get more fat burning benefits for your fat loss investment.

Now, let’s get to work!

1. Kettlebell swing

Once used as counterweights in Russian markets in the 1700s, it was soon discovered that moving kettlebells is really tough work – it’s also a great way to get your heart rate up. The kettlebell swing works your posterior chain muscles in a powerful, joint-friendly way and tests your grip and cardiovascular endurance. It is arguably the king of all fat loss exercises.

  • Trained muscles: Forearms, wrists, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back
  • Fat loss criteria: Compound, self-limited exercise performed while standing.

How to do it: Place your feet wider than hip width, toes pointing forward, and the kettlebell 12 to 18 inches in front of you. Hinge at the waist and load your hips and hamstrings. Grab the kettlebell with both hands keeping your back straight. Activate your lats and lift the kettlebell between your legs. Aggressively swing the kettlebell forward using preloaded hips and hamstrings and straighten your knees until you are in an upright stance. Use your hips to swing the kettlebell up and not your shoulders and arms.

Programming tips: There are several ways to schedule swings for fat loss. Doing it for time like 15 seconds of work 30 seconds of rest or 30 seconds of work 60 seconds of rest for six to 10 rounds works well. Combining it with push-ups is amazing too. Here are some examples:

  • 20 second kettlebell swings
  • 6 push-ups
  • Rest the rest of the minute.
  • Do this for 10 to 20 minutes or as many rounds as possible.
  • 20 swings, 10 push-ups, then rest the rest of the minute
  • 20 swings, 9 push-ups, rest, continue with 1 push-up.
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2. Farmer’s transportation

It seems too good to be true: carry weights in your hand for the time or distance to lose fat. But the basic two-handed carry and all its variations work almost every muscle from head to toe and will strengthen grip, shoulders, improve posture and cardiovascular conditioning. Your body is subjected to a long time under stress for better calorie and fat burning potential.

  • Trained muscles: Forearms, shoulders, upper back, lower back, and glutes, just to name a few.
  • Fat loss criteria: It is a compound, self-limited exercise performed while standing.

How to do it: Start with a weight that is between 25 and 50 percent of your body weight in each hand. Pick up the weight, squash the handle, and walk slowly in a straight line for time or distance, putting one foot in front of the other. Keep your shoulders down and your chest up at all times.

Programming tips: Pairing carries with an exercise that doesn’t require grip strength like a push-up or a bench press works well. For example:

  • 1A. Lizards
  • 1 B. Transport variation: 40 yards
  • Start with 10 push-ups and go down one rep each round until you reach one.

Note: You can substitute the dumbbell / kettlebell squat variation for pushups using the same rep range.

3. Turkish attire

As mentioned above, getting on and off to the ground is difficult. Now add weight and reps and you have the Turkish outfit. Turkish outfits train strength, mobility, and burn fat. Getting up and down from the floor using multiple upper and lower body muscles increases your heart rate and burns a ton of calories.

  • Trained muscles: Forearms, shoulders, abs, obliques, upper back, glutes, quads, and hamstrings
  • Fat loss criteria: Covers the four criteria above.

How to do it: Lying with your back flat on the floor, put your right foot on the floor and slide your left leg out at 45 degrees and do the same with your left arm. Raise your right arm directly over your shoulder holding a weight with your wrist in a neutral position. Push your right shoulder toward the ground and roll to your left side, lifting your right hip and pushing your left elbow down to get up. Stretch your left arm and slide your left leg under you until you are in a half kneeling position. Sit up and push your right foot through the floor to stand up and step back to return to the starting position.

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Programming tips: Performing it for reps and sets as part of your regular strength training works great. But doing it for time, switching sides with each rep will improve your conditioning and burn fat too. Do as many reps as possible with a weight that allows you to maintain good form for 10-15 minutes.


Push-ups are often overlooked because they are too easy or boring for the gym buff. But with tons of variation and the ability to do high reps for more volume, muscle growth, and fat-burning potential, push-ups should never be overlooked. Pushups on their own are great, but the real fat-loss magic happens when you combine them with other exercises like swings and carries.

  • Trained muscles: Triceps, shoulders, chest, core and glutes
  • Fat loss criteria: It is a compound and self-limited exercise that consists of getting up and down from the ground.

How to do it: Get into a solid plank position, with your hands under your shoulders, your back flat, and your feet together. Screw your palms into the floor and hook your glutes to keep your back neutral. Then slowly lower yourself to the ground until your chest is one inch off the ground. And it goes back up through the palms of your hands.

Programming tips:

  • 20 second kettlebell swings
  • 6 push-ups
  • Rest the rest of the minute.
  • Do this for 10 to 20 minutes or until it collapses into a heap.
  • 20 swings, 10 push-ups, rest the rest of the minute
  • 20 swings, 9 push-ups, rest
  • and up to 20 swings, 1 flex


  • 1A. Lizards
  • 1 B. Transport variation: 40 yards
  • Start with 10 push-ups and go down one rep each round until you reach one.

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